Aizsāka Mr R 

04.12.2013 22:50
05.12.2013 11:43
Un kaads tam sakars ar psihisko veseliibu?
šajā gadījumā pie psihiatra ganjau...
06.12.2013 15:34
08.12.2013 09:14
Mana kermeni jau ka 6 gadi ir micrko cips. Ir kads ko dzirdejis vai ne?
08.12.2013 23:52
Tagad saprotu kaapeec tu rakstiiji psihiskaas veseliibas forumaa :)
10.12.2013 22:04
123. Bet kur tad?
10.12.2013 22:05
10.12.2013 22:07
Karoce neviens neko nezin,cik saprotu?
10.12.2013 22:11
Kas ir ar tevi Mr R , atkal zaales nedzer.....
11.12.2013 10:03
123 Zales? :)) Es draugs vispar zales nedzeru. Es saprotu ka tas ta neticami izklausas bet ta ir simtprocentiga taisniba.Mani ir cips un tas mani lenam nogalina.sak paradities veselibas traucejumi. Iedomajies ja tu butu norijis telefonu un tas tevi visu laiku darbotos.Logiski tas izstaro konkretu radiaciju. Ieliksu paris linkus kur varat paskatities.
11.12.2013 17:08
Un kur tev ir tas cips? Neesi meeginaajis to dabuut laukaa....
11.12.2013 17:09
Un kaadi tad ir tev tie veseliibas trauceejumi?
18.12.2013 20:38
Daudz un dazadi veselibas traucejumi bracin! Nedomaju ja nosauksu tev tos,tev tas ko izteiks. Un ari man no ta labak nepaliks,un cips neizleks ara...
a ko doki par to čipu saka, rentgenā tak var redzēt ? vai viņš tāds kā neredzamais vai hipnotizējošais ?
18.12.2013 23:38
Man arii dazas probleemas ar veseliibu, varbuut man arii cips.......
19.12.2013 13:03
Tur jau ta visa lieta. Ka vins var but loti mazins( Esi dzirdejis pa smart dust)? Ka ari jau vairakus gadus censos veikt kaut kadu kermena parbaudi,hmm tacu visi pie ka griezos neatbild. Talab jau ari rodas tads jautajums Kur griezties pec palidzibas. Jo esmu pat rakstijis uz cilvektiesibu biroju.Tacu no turienes ari nekas atbildes nesmu sanemis. Talab esmu jau noguris,un saprotu ari to ka mes cilveki sini pasaule nesam vispar nekas... Ar mums valdiba veic daudz un dazadus eksperimentus un mes esam bezspecigi ,jo mums isteniba nav nekadas tiesibas. Taluk draugi.Nedo dievs Jums kadreiz nonakt tada situacija.Nenovelu to elli nevienam. Tagad pat uzrakstiju Anglijas karalienei lai palidz,jo vairs nav speka,ka ari neviens neliekas ne zinis.Gaidu atbildi....Cerams ka Vismaz vina veiks kadu darbibu.
19.12.2013 16:53
Un kas tavaa pasaulee ir psihiatrs - labais vai launais?
Kaadaa valodaa tu uzrakstiiji veestuli Anglijas karalienei?
Mr R, aizsūti vel vēstuli Vācijas kanclerei, jamā tāda varen ietekmīga. ja paveiksies savilks savas pazīšanās un likvidēs šādas izdarības, un atbrīvos Tevi no putekļiem galvā :)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 20.12.2013 10:13 by normālis.
21.12.2013 16:31
:)Laba Ideja!:)
23.12.2013 17:44
Nu ja,ta jau domaju ka neatradisu seit nevienu kurs varetu ko ieteikt. :) Pirecigus ziemassvetkus un Laimigu Jauno Gadu!
Mr R, esmu jauniņā šeit, tāpēc nevaru saprast, vai esi trollis vai Tev ar steigu jāvēršas Tvaika ielas stacionārā - tur Tev palīdzēs to čipu izņemt ; ))

Laimīgu Jauno gadu!
Mr R Rakstīja:

aizej uz baznīcu, tur lūdz Dievu par visu ko pārestībām un ko tik vēl.

rezultātā jau nekas nenotiek, neviens nepalīdz, nekas nemainās, tikai parunā
paklausās mūziku un saliek svecītes

rezultātā daudziem cilvēkiem izmainās visa dzīve,
atriinās problēmas, slimības, izglītības, naudas, un cilvēktiesības

BET kā tad tas notiek

vienkārši kautkas cilvēkā izmainās un izmainās visas pasaule

tātad vissas problēmas ir cilvēkā iekšā

cilvēktiesības tiek pārkāptas visu laiku
un tiks pārkāptas vienmēr, cits iet sviestā par noklīdušu kaķēnu un gatavs tiesā sūdzēt
ti pašā laikā sūdzās ka gaļa nav svaiga, tobiš tā cūciņa ir kauta navis aizvakar bet agrak

kādas cilvēktiesības ja mirst cilveki no narkotikām, no bada,
no citu nolaidības ka bez tiesas lēmuma vajā tur kautkādus
ka mūsu līdzpilsoņi tiek verdzināti kā lopi

griezies sevī
Čipam nav ne vainas
čipi ir mums visiem ,jo visi tiek izsekoti un par jebkuru
var visu uzzināt...

problēmas nav jo musu ir daudz
kad izseko vienu tad tas ir šausmīgi
a ja izseko visus tad taspats ka neizsekot

nu ja ir 2000 000 čipu
tad varbūtība kkāds sekos tiešī tavam čipam ir maza
jo nav 2000 000 cilvēku kas sekos tiem 2000 000joniem
aberz, kā veicas pa dzīvi ? kāda ikdiena, ko daries? :)
13.01.2014 23:19
The term “Mind control” basically means covert attempts to influence the thoughts and behavior of human beings against their will (or without their knowledge), particularly when surveillance of an individual is used as an integral part of such influencing and the term “Psychotronic Torture” comes from psycho (of psychological) and electronic. This is actually a very sophisticated form of remote technological torture that slowly invalidates and incapacitates a person. These invisible and non-traceable technological assaults on human beings are done in order to destroy someone psychologically and physiologically.

Actually, as par scientific resources, the human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system, the signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other parts of our body, the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that process auditory signals, and the light-sensitive retina and cornea of the eye that process visual activity. We are on the threshold of an era in which these data processors of the human body may be manipulated or debilitated. Examples of unplanned attacks on the body’s data-processing capability are well-documented.

An entirely new arsenal of weapons, based on devices designed to introduce subliminal messages or to alter the body’s psychological and data-processing capabilities, might be used to incapacitate individuals. These weapons aim to control or alter the psyche, or to attack the various sensory and data-processing systems of the human organism. In both cases, the goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body in equilibrium.

Definition of psychotronic (psycho-physical) weapons.

Psychotronic Weapons (PF- weapons) this is the totality of all possible methods and means (techno-genic, suggestive, pharmacological, paranormal, complexes, and others) of hidden, forced influences on the psyche of a person for the purpose of modifying his consciousness, behavior and health for what is desired in the way of influencing aspects of control…” This is not only dangerous, this is deadly!”

Actually, the goal of mind control is to access those areas of the brain that are outside of the conscious control of the individual by circumventing the normal inhibiting response of the cerebral cortex: “an individual’s voluntary conscious self-control must be bypassed or short-circuited.” This unconscious coercion is done through electromagnetic-wave bombardment of the brain, .i.e. bombarding of the brain with low-frequency radio waves. These airborne waves can travel over distances and are known to change the behavior of animals and humans in their path. Such remote control makes possible potentially frightening uses for altering the brain’s functioning. These are invisible and deadly waves. This waves goes directly to the subconscious parts of the human brain for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously. This can alter a person thoughts, emotions, and behavior. To achieve truly lasting mind control requires the creation of “profound and deep emotional states.” Recommended are fear, shock and anxiety, which have “an intense disinhibitive effect on the human brain.” What this means, in essence, is that emotional trauma facilitates the accessing of dissociative states. In order to disable the brain’s “cortical block,” Verdier recommends alcohol, euphoric drugs, isolation, solitary confinement, and – “the most dramatic and unique item in the brainwashing arsenal” – hypnosis. All of these are methods that have been extensively tested by the CIA under the rubric of the MK-ULTRA program.

The technology is rooted in surveillance devices, such as audio and video bugs, through-the-wall and remote sensing devices, and biosensors both remote and implanted. This provides the feedback for the influencing, as well as any “entertainment” value for voyeur/sadists and intellectual property theft for thieves. Coupled with the surveillance is some sort of “effectors” or feedback path for influencing an individual.

Thus there are several categories of mind control operations, for example covert drugging, hypnosis and trauma conditioning, one-shot EM-type brain blasting, short-term mind fucks, and ongoing feedback control setups for long-term torture and exploitation of victims, to mention a few. What they have in common is the attack against the mind of the victim, as well as the deniable and denied nature of the attack. The exact means being used in any particular case are beside the point here. These techniques do not just violate one or two of what everyone knows are fundamental human rights: In one fell swoop they violate almost every fundamental human right a person has.

The electromagnetic technology works on the theory that the mind and body are an electromagnetically mediated biophysics system and the electromagnetic signals form outside sources can mimic the mind and body’s electromagnetic signals and therefore a weapon can be developed based on these principles.

There is evidence that since the 1950′s the U.S. and other government have been developing electromagnetic weapons which can remotely target the electromagnetic system of the human body for military and intelligence purposes.

The First phase is the harassment/surveillance program
13.01.2014 23:21
During the first phase of this Govt. program a person is broken physically and mentally. The methods used are typical CIA and FBI tactics like Cointelpro tactics. They use Echelon, Tempest, microchips, implants, see through wall radar, obtain informants, neighbors, and co-conspirators to harass, discredit, and harm an individual. Victims loose their families, jobs, homes, and cars. Ultimate goal to destroy a persons life which will isolate them from family, friends. The isolation is needed to have access to the person to conduct many of the experiments on them. All privacy and constitutional rights are thus stripped away.

The second phase is the assaults of Directed Energy Weapons.

After a victim becomes isolated from everyone in the world. The victim now having feelings of regret, remorse, of loss, trauma, and are drained and broken emotionally and physically. During this time many have been implanted with microchips. Many begin experiencing extreme pain to their head. Some hear voices. Then pain is delivered to various other parts of their bodies. The pain is delivered by Directed Energy Weapons. No one sees anyone around them causing the pain and no one is touching them. It is an invisible energy force. Along with drugs being administered by the scientist through either a drip system which!has been inserted into an individual, food tampering, or injection all without the victims permission. Then Mind Entrainment begins.

Directed Energy Weapons

Some of the weapons were known as non-lethal weapons. They use such weapons as extremely low frequency Elf electromagnetic weapons (which has been used in mind control), acoustics, harmonics (which have been used as a mind control technique), ultrasound, microwave audiograms, microwave pulsed, and radio frequency. Another electromagnetic energy beam can be used to induce “considerable agitation and muscular activity” or “induce muscular weakness and lethargy” this weapon is know as Ultra High Frequency EM.

Psychological warfare tactics are being used against unsuspecting citizens to destroy their jobs, their families and their lives. The perpetrators will stop at nothing. Their objective is to utterly destroy a person, very often resulting in a person taking his or her own life, or ending up in a mental hospital. This has been taking place for years and nothing is ever said about it. Nothing is ever written about it. For the sake of those who came before us, and those who come after us, the world needs to know what is happening.

For many people, this comes out of nowhere. They don’t know whose toes they stepped on in order to warrant such a brutal attack. For others who are whistleblowers, they know full well how they garnered such attention. For some, they don’t even realize that they are the targets of an orchestrated attack to destroy their lives. Some of it can be so subtle that it is difficult to tell. But for others, the attacks can be blatant and obvious, leaving no doubt that something unspeakable and devastating is happening.

What makes this crime so heinous is that the most sophisticated techniques of psychological warfare are employed against a person in order to make them look like they are crazy. Friends and family members don’t believe the things that are happening and often believe the targeted person is crazy.

This whole exercise is a criminal & terrorist activity. One aspect deals with the gang stalking part of it, which targets experience to varying degrees. This involves stalking by a multitude of individuals both on foot and while you’re in the car. Known as “street theatre” by those who experience it, it involves vandalism to house, car and personal property. Gang stalking can also be referred to as cause stalking, vengeance stalking and multi-stalking.

Some people also experience electronic harassment. This is extremely distressing, painful and invasive, and feels like one’s mind and body is undergoing constant rape, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The technology used to do this is unknown, but hundreds of victims report the same physical sensations and experiences. Many take their lives in an attempt to escape the horror. It is so distressing that only fellow targets can really understand what another target is experiencing.

In either case, the attacks are so well orchestrated that only the victim is aware of them. This is intentional, and it appears that these groups have perfected these techniques over many years. Mistakes are rarely made, and clearly the perpetrators are successful at what they do, since new targets are completely bewildered as to what is happening to them, having never heard a peep out of the media about such occurrences (except in relation to mental illness). Their actions are based on many of the same tactics as those employed in ritual abuse, and are designed to weaken the target’s mind and perpetrators are becoming increasingly addicted to this game of predator/prey, always needing more targets to satisfy their unending thirst for a thrill.

“Electronic harassment” or e-harassment is a catch-all term used to describe a group of circumstances which a large number of people are currently experiencing in common. In general, this term refers to the use of electronic technology to view, track and/or harass a person from a distance. Whether this is done by satellite, land based systems or locally (i.e. by neighbors) is largely personal opinion. There is no definitive proof that would allow any of the present victims to launch a court case, but the numbers of victims and the commonality of experience speaks for itself.

The technology involves the use of electromagnetic waves of various frequencies to achieve different results. Some frequencies will make a person tired, while others may cause confusion or memory loss. With the rapid increase in cell phone usage, many experiments have been conducted on the detrimental effects of those particular frequencies on animals. The results indicate that the invisible e.m. signals from cell towers can cause a wide range of physical ailments. If that is the case with the relatively narrow range of cell phone frequencies, it is even more likely the case with the frequencies which may be used to cause direct, intentional harm to a person.

Electronic harassment is sometimes referred to as “psychotronics”, but would more accurately be described as “criminal psychotronics”.
13.01.2014 23:22
Hearing Voices: Audio Implants by Intelligence Agencies

May 28

Posted by (Geeldon)



The concepts used in audio implants had been discovered in the first half of the 20th century, but the refinement of technology to take advantage of what had been discovered waited until the second half of the century. The development of audio implants ran on two tracks, one was the public medical research and the other was the secret Illuminati/Intelligence Agencies’ research. Audio implants began to be publicly placed into people in the 1960s. The Illuminati was experimenting on some victims at this stage, and the military in the Vietnam war used auditory implant devices to aid communicating to their men who were sent into tunnels and who were placed into forest situations where audible noise would compromise their locations to the enemy. The Illuminati/Intelligence/& Military consortium was keeping the experimentation secret. It appears from looking at the worldwide research on audio implants that the Illuminati realized that the field was so ambiguous, and open to so many different approaches, that rather than straightjacket the research community by a specific strategy, they encouraged a wide variety of approaches in the research. Consequently, research by one group would overlap or duplicate research by another. Much to their credit, a few researchers rejected offers to get involved because they saw the sinister ramifications. By the 1970s, the intelligence agencies were willing to start using hundreds of people to experiment operationally with the implants. People in every state of the U.S. were selected as victims. Many of these implant victims had programmed multiple personalities already. The controllers were very heavy handed with the people they implanted, and they used the full force of the Illuminati/Intelligence agencies power to keep these people under their control at all times. These innocent victims have had their lives totally destroyed. Some tried to fight back, spending thousands of dollars to get out from underneath the incessant audio messages that the implants sent, but the system was too big and too powerful to fight. Police, congressmen, psychologists and many other people turned their backs on these victims. Some victims who initially fought back gave up resisting, some committed suicide, and some continued to fight. Meanwhile, on the public track during the 1970s & 1980s, medical researchers kept putting more and more audio implants into deaf and hard-to-hear persons. Hundreds of people in the U.S. and many hundreds in other nations such as the U.K., Germany, Austria, Israel, Australia, France and other countries began to receive the cochlear implants. Australia was so proud of their audio implant research/development they issued a postage stamp showing an implant device (“bionic ear”) developed in Australia. The question begs asking, if thousands of people have publicly received audio implants, isn’t obvious that the secret societies and secret intelligence agencies have done at least as much if not far more?


1790–first known attempt by Volta to electrically stimulate the ears. He shot approximately 50 volts of electricity into his auditory system, and experienced the sensation of a blow to the head followed by a sound like the boiling of viscous liquid.

1850–Electro-otiatrics was begun by otologists who hoped electricity could help ear diseases in various ways.

1925–Sounds were created in people by radio engineers by placing electrodes near the ear with a modulated alternating current.

1930–Weaver & Bray discovered the principles used later in the cochlear microphonic implants.

1937–By passing an alternating electrical current in the audible frequency range from an electrode to the skin, Steven, Jones, Lurie and Flottorp found they could have people hear sounds. For a number of years these men studied this phenomena.

1957–Djourno and Eyries in France woke the world up concerning the ability to electrical stimulate the auditory nerves and produce sound with their reports. A patient from France reportedly gets William F. House, MD interested in developing an implant device.

1961–William House implants two patients with short-term audio implants. One patient receives a multiple electrode implant.

1960s–intense research for audio implants is conducted in California in places like Sanford, the Univ. of Calif., in L.A. etc. The military uses audio implants operationally to be able to talk to soldiers in situations where external noise would compromise the location of the American soldiers, such as exploring tunnel system.

1970s–Various researchers around the world begin publicly implanting audio implants into people. The Illuminati and intelligence agencies begin to secretly implant people, this is known because many of the early victims can pin point at time in the 1970s when they got their audio implants.

1980–The FDA establishes Federal regulations regarding cochlear audio implants.

1984–By this year, 369 people have publicly received the House Cochlear Audio Implants, which have been implanted by 36 different clinics. The 3M Cochlear Implant System! House Design for use in adults, which is already in hundreds of adults, receives FDA approval in Nov.

1990s–Audio implants along with other implants begin to be used more aggressively by the mind-control programmers. Successful intelligence operations are carried out with the aid of audio implants.


Thousands have publicly received audio implants, and thousands have received audio implants without their permission by the New World Order. The implants (whether secret or public) basically have to contain A. a receiver(s), B. a processor, C. a transmitter, D. electrodes or electrical stimulating device. When sound waves arrive to the human ear, the sound causes biological reactions all along the auditory pathway–from the cochlea, the auditory nerve, the brain stem nuclei and the primary cortical projection areas. Each of these areas are fair game for machinations of the mind-control researchers. There are brain stem potentials which originate in the auditory brain stem nuclei–primarily in the inferior colliculi. The public auditory implants produce a small electrical stimulus that bypasses damaged hair cells and directly stimulates the remaining auditory neural elements. This means that for the secret implants, the electrical impulse that is generated to stimulate the person to hear a sound or sentence is totally unnoticed by everyone but the victim. As mentioned before, psychologists are being used to shut victims up, by declaring that they are crazy for claiming to hear voices. How do these psychologists know that the person isn’t hearing voices from an implant? Some psychologists are declaring the implant victims are “crazy”, “delusional”, & “insane”, because audio implants supposedly don’t exist–therefore it is useless to give any credence to the complaints of victims. In other words, psychologists are being used as the establishment’s witch doctors to cover up the mind-control activities of the New World Order. What’s new? Establishment shrinks helped cover up the programmed multiplicity for decades by labelling the programmed-multiple slaves “paranoid schizophrenics”. During experiments, it was discovered that the skin of a person can pick up auditory vibrations, so tests were run to see if implants in other parts of the human body could be used for auditory implants. The vibrotacticle system of the skin has an upper limit of sensitivity to 400 to 500 Hz. In contrast the auditory system had a frequency range between 20 to 20,000 Hz and an optimum range of 300 to 3,000 Hz. The auditory system had a dynamic range of 130 dB (decibels) which the vibrotactile had only a 30-35 dB range. In other words, using the skin like on the chest to send auditory vibrations to the brain was a very limited way to create sound. For most purposes it isn’t a viable approach, even though some experimental auditory implants were placed in places like the chest. The ones that were tested only reconfirmed the suspicions that the best results are by using the inner cochlea and the auditory canal area. Dr. Begich’s and later others showed that a nonlinear function will translate one frequency to another frequency, but although it does jump, this method is inadequate for the current mind control signals, and a linear function is used which operates simply on the energy that the implants have.

Originally single channel devises were used, but then multichannel devices were soon found superior. The processing units of a device, had to have an extraction method to determine the pitch of the signal and then would present a square wave at the rate of that frequency. Soon the miniature computers that made up part of the audio implant were made so that they were programmable. Some of the publicly implanted people (for instance some who got a 4 mm. cochlear auditory implant), who thought they were getting medical help, were later followed up a decade later by the intelligence agencies for their own agenda, and instead of just hearing the world, they got to hear mind-control drivel from some handler communicating via the implant. As sound waves come into the public implants, they are fast Fourier transformed into many channels lying between say 100 and 4000 Hz. Each channel may be assigned to a specific electrode located on an array of electrodes. The electrodes are stimulated for instance at 300 pulses per minute. The transmissions go to receiver/stimulators that then stimulate the subject to hear something. (Fourier transforms have also been identified being used by human brains to encode memory.)

In order to keep their signals to their implanted victims secret, the Network employs a tactic called piggybacking where they piggyback their own audio transmission onto standard FM frequencies.

CANAL is the acronym for an system that is used simultaneously for transmission and reception via the use of a double-frequency shift keying (DFS). Radio transmitters that send quick signals are variously called BURST, SQUIRT, SQUASH, or high-speed transmitters.


a. by themselves

b. with other implants

c. in conjunction with other mind-control devices


Part A. Publicly admitted audio implants
Part. B. Secretly implanted audio implants.

Part A. Publicly admitted audio implants.

The entire world has gotten involved in audio implant research. The British Cochlear Implant Group has been setting up “implanting centres” for the UK. Not all the publicly known implants will be listed here, for instance, some of those I chose not to list include some developed in Spain by Bosch & Colomina, the ones created in Thailand by upgrading american made implants, and several made in East and West Germany before the wall went down, and the Swiss implant which was simply the Austrian audio implant used with their own processor.


BANFAI, EMG –Several models developed by Banfai in Cologne-Dueren, West Germany. It is digital, with a pulsatile signal and a programmable memory. The implant can be communicated with using an interface device hooked to a computer. The patient has a keyboard. It was first implanted in 1977 and has 8/14 and 16 channels. It has been implanted into hundreds of people.

BRITISH, for instance UCH– Developed by Douek, Fourcin and Moore in London and implanted with a single electrode in 1978 and multiple electrodes in 1990. The implant has bioglass, and promontory grooves for the electrode, and neural network programming in its computer memory.

CHEN AUDIO IMPLANT–developed in Guangzhoi, mainland China and first implanted in 1984. It was said by the chinese that 20 people received this implant.

CZECHOSLOVAKIAN–Implants were created by Volvoda and Tichy in Prague and implanted in the 1980s into a few people.

FRASER–Developed in London, and first implanted in 1983. It was notable because it had a round window in the implant. In the first few years it was implanted into 56 people. The encapsulated the implant in a high-grade Silastic rather than an epoxy, as some other European researchers had done

FRAYASE–Developed in Toulouse, France, this audio implant was implanted with its receiver in the chest. It was first implanted in 1981, and 22 people were said to have received it.

GOA–developed in Shanghai, China by Lee and Lin.

INERAID- (fka Symbion) produced by the Richards Company, USA. In the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Mar. 1994, vol. 95, pp. 1677-1678, they have an article about a woman who had an implant in one ear and not the other. She was asked to compare the pitch signals from natural sources versus the right ear audio implant. The most apical implanted electrode was not as accurate as the more basal located electrodes using an Ineraid implant.

IMPLEX COM 12–Comes with an interfacing computer and a Syncom patient self-tester

LAURA–Developed at Antwerp, Belgium. These were first implanted in 1986, and had an internal canal antenna, a microphone entirely internal in the auditory canal, a pre-amp, an antenna, and a data control circuit. Only a few subjects got this implant. It comes with a computer, and an interface unit. It does have a programmable memory.

MED-EL –Developed in Austria at Vienna and Innsbruck by Hochmair, and first implanted in 1977. Hundreds of people were implanted with this audio implant. Some were implanted externally with it and some internally inside the ear canal. It has one channel and a multitude of electrodes stimulating the audio channel. It is analogue, and sends an analogue signal. It does not have a programmable memory.

MXM- -Developed by Chouard in Paris and first implanted in 1974. It had been implanted by 1990 into 179 people.

NUCLEUS 22, NUCLEUS MINISYSTEM 22, and other NUCLEUS AUDIO IMPLANTS (aka CLARK’s Implants)–At least two models developed in Australia at Melbourne. This audio implant was first implanted in 1978. The implant is programmable from the outside. It has been implanted into many hundreds of people. It has a multitude of electrodes that stimulate the audio system. It is digital, sends a pulsatile signal, and has a programmable memory. The implant comes with a diagnostic and programming interface computer. The Australian government heavily subsidized with millions of dollars research into audio implants and got the Cochlear Corporation (Nucleus) going. Nucleus uses what is called MULTIPEAK which provides high-frequency information from 2000 to 7000 Hz. With this 4 electrodes are stimulated in rapid succession, and special algorithms are used which change the relationship between the pulse amplitude and the pulse duration in order to allow 4 pulses to occur within a single frame. The Nucleus Minisystem 22 was approved by the FDA for implantation in both adults and children.

Storz Instrument Co.’s Implant–developed at Univ. of Calif, San Francisco.

Part. B. Secretly implanted audio implants.

There were several profiles of people that were used in the World Order’s selection of secret victims to implant. The following were criteria that they liked in the selection process, a. vulnerable, such as single women, b. people who were already programmed with trauma-based mind-control, c. psychics, who had already told people they heard or saw things ordinary people don’t, d. people, not highly regarded by society such as minorities, criminals, street people, mentally insane, who would not be able to find a support system to help them fight the experimentation. They also did the audio implants into some of their own intelligence agents, apparently to some who were getting somewhat difficult to their superiors. Because of this type of profile, and some other things this author learned, it appears that the initial two decades were used more for experimentation and development than they were for actual operations. However, with more than 2 decades of experience, they are now fully operational. From watching their interaction (messages) with victims of audio implants, it is clear that they are not in the testing stage, but are fully operational, and have a full cadre of trained operatives (men & women) to staff the secret bases from which the monitor and broadcast signals to their slaves. The staff their bases with 3 shifts and the graveyard shift leaves approx. 6 a.m. In other words, from what we can tell they are using standard shift times for the audio implant control staffs.

COCHLEAR IMPLANTS–There are Cochlear implants for auditory control secretly implanted without permission. A rubber molding skin color covers the outer lining of the ear canal. There are tiny slits in this lining, which when pushed to the side would show the presence of coils and a plastic rod/wire embedded in the area. Sometimes burn marks occur on sides of face due to intense heat generated by implants, which is painful.

DENTAL AUDITORY IMPLANTS–At least a dozen victims have complained that after their teeth were capped they began hearing voices. Other sources indicate that during the filing process implants are being put into people. This is the type of implant placed into J. Z. Knight and left dormant for many years until they decided to activate her as New Age guru.

RIDGE IMPLANTS– These implants can produce Theta waves and even voices. They are designed to suppress a particular type of thinking. The body may be sent into paralysis or given various stimulus-response stimuli in order to suppress certain thought patterns. If the slave begins to have certain thought patterns that threaten the programming and programming structures, these implants kick in to divert the person’s mental activity to something else.

Posted in Brainwashing, Gaslighting, Human Experimentation, Implantable Microchips, Torture, Zersetzung

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Tags: audio implants, hearing voices
13.01.2014 23:24
Palasiet Ja saprotat protams,mazums kadam no jums ari ir sis tas atrodams sini raksta!
13.01.2014 23:25
Vairak informacijas seit----

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Lūdzu izrēķiniet vienkārso matemātisko izteiksmi un ieraksties atbildi tam paredzētajā laukā. Tas ir lai novērstu automatizēto rīku iespeju rakstit ziņas forumā
Izteiksme: kāds ir rezultāts, ja 16 pieskaita 13?