Independence Day is far from over, sceptics.

Aizsāka matrix 4 

Only then will "česnij sadist" get memo about Chill Pill.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Only then will "česnij sadist" get memo about
> Chill Pill.

Sport games teaches people Balance aswell : can "česnij sadist" play sport games fairly without getting triggered and using power?!. =D

So you C, "česnij sadist" : you did get lucky then!
ED simply got sick and tired to explain that ED was just kid.
Truth always hurts..that's the point of it. ^_^
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Truth always hurts..that's the point of it. ^_^

Only real fighters, as ED, can achieve very specific fighter guiness world records. ;)

ED did not resist on purpose.
Selftitled "česnij sadist" only thinks that was born to fight, but simply was motivated to learn how to fight.

Long story short: "česnij sadist" also is whimsy.
There needs to be something or someone who counters "česnij sadist" whims.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Only then will "česnij sadist" get memo about
> Chill Pill.

Knowledge is not Wisdom: hunter do need to become prey to understand how prey felt like when was hunted; that can be achieved via multiple methods:
# counterbullying from victims
# arrest from population
# resistance obstacles that forcetrick into fatigue
# strippery of power
# 1vs1 with actual fighter
# counterchicanery
* more karmah ideas
° but ego of "česnij sadist" also need to be humbled

Only then society can be considered fair.
That is why both Yin and Yang exist.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> There needs to be something or someone who
> counters "česnij sadist" whims.

Otherwise "česnij sadist" need weaker body as those who used to bully.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> ED simply got sick and tired to explain that ED
> was just kid.

Oh and "česnij sadist" only knows but not yet understand how it is to be K.O.ed without ability to do counterK.O., but ED knows and understands.

Balance is everywhere.
So you C ?
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> There needs to be something or someone who
> counters "česnij sadist" whims.

Arī "česnais sadists" nav atbrivots no garigasUNfiziskas karmas. Nedari otram to ko pats sev negribi. Nerga kam toreiz paveicas.

Nebija viss un nawiss.
Ari pret "garīgo terorismu" vajag 'fizisko pretterorismu'; bez Oblom nepielec citadak.
ED bija mazs berns. Kauties ar ED nav č "nečesnie mazohisti" var kompenset.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> So you C ?

ED is 6th btw : check for life signals. ;)
Katram iedzivotajam ir deriguma termins.

Ja komanda grib tos kas baro biedrus un biedrenes tad lai katrs un katra audzina, lidziga stila ka ED, sev pa barotajam, bet remontet ar japrot.

Robcikam der apsvert domu pasnoglukot..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So you C ?
> ED is 6th btw : check for life signals. ;)

ED need repairs..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> ED simply got sick and tired to explain that ED
> was just kid.

ED also got bionic glitches..overuse of fine details..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > ED simply got sick and tired to explain that ED
> > was just kid.
> ED also got bionic glitches..overuse of fine
> details..

????????: but.."česnij sadist" also can glitch. ????????
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So you C ?
> ED is 6th btw : check for life signals. ;)

Mirrors Edge song Still Alive
Aaliyah song Try Again
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> That is why both Yin and Yang exist.

Kids learn from both how to not be whimsy noobs.

If "česnij sadist" would remember own story of childhood then would understand aswell..

Balance is needed for kids.
If (countryballs Germany country) truly want to learn how to fight, to resucceed, then (countryballs Germany country) need to learn befriend city dust and country dirt and roleplay kink,bdsm.
Why?: because (non)humans are born as equal individuals but not grow up as equal persons; fighting is always dirty process, but people enjoy clean results.
Analogy: (countryballs Germany) enjoy A Complex Life, but without The Simple Life foundation it would not succeed.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Truth always hurts..that's the point of it. ^_^
> Only real fighters, as ED, can achieve very
> specific fighter guiness world records. ;)
> ED did not resist on purpose.

If "česnij sadist" will not listen to honest boy ED then planet Earth will suffer,struggle due to Orbit podskazka sideeffects..and "nečesnie mazohisti" might be needed..ask Cypher..

Moon is not only Moon : "even if noone will know about it" & Lao Ma quotes & Battletoads podskazka & Independence Day Sphere advice & more

ED did not resist on is not Over. ED was trying to defend planet and not attack society.
Long story short: Team should find those people who are born to fight and do sport as hobby and not learned how to fight due to motivation(s) and then those people will understand holiday info summary : it requires very specific PointOfView.

ED understands only basics but more people are needed to understand every advanced detail.

Podskazkas aka signcluehints are math, sceptics.

Either way: ED is not responsible; ED is collateral damage.
Survival of planet Earth health requires it.
Those people who are born to fight: fight as hobby simply because can fight and will get holiday info summary A Truth memo point without too much explaining and will not be forcetricked,trickforced to fight for The Truth or|and God(dess)|Allah is a|the Girl|Boy .... ED is not crazy. It is not Over.
Try Team, Team member(esse)s won't loose anything if will try what ED is explaining. Bored anyway.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Survival of planet Earth health requires it.

Without beLIEf fuel : nonbeLIEved BOOM might happen..also..
..ED tried using good methods but guess bad methods are needed that will trigger ALARMs of people..Team otherwise are treating ED as clown..
Specific question for sceptics to answer: if boy ED would be responsible then why same suspicious things happen to planet also when boy ED is distracted,sleeping?!. ED is not responsible.

That event happened so that Cypher could help ED.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> So you C ?

Just try nonBIASed C.S.I., Team.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Survival of planet Earth health requires it.

ED is (depressed) boy, who kissed (virgin) girl, and therefore noticed it, but ED not yet understand briefing.

From Balance POV: it might be possible that "česnij sadist" need to help, but "česnij sadist" need to learn teamwork without getting angry.

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