Independence Day is far from over, sceptics.

Aizsāka matrix 4 

Akiza from YuGiOh! 5D can rehumble both Amara and Ayin..those two also need reminder to take chill pill.

Akiza can borrow (friend of ED) for duel only..
ED is gentleman : ladies should fight ladies. ;)
Akiza can teach humbling lessons to those two with (friend of ED), but Akiza need use silent mode..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > God(dess)|Allah is a|the Girl|Boy truly is just
> > and righteous but it requires (Co)DIY
> experiences
> > to understand why.
> Society starts at kindergardens and all kids are
> whimsy until they learn not to be.

Amara and Ayin and more also were kids with whims....
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> ED is gentleman : ladies should fight ladies. ;)

ED cared and cares, but boy ED also gets rehumbled frequently at lifeplay and therefore so should those girls also be reminded about trislips..
tripslips , can happen to anyone
Tripslips on icy surface etc. exist to remind people that without processes there are no results..
If Amara or Ayin committed something crime related against someone, for example ED, then it would be fitting punishment for them to, for example, do bikini walk at some farm, but if more serious crime then do bikini chores at few farms..crime does not pay..otherwise they need to go to special prison,jail for models(Supermodels,Topmodels,more) for committing even more serious crime.
What? ED is (gentleman) boy, but that,this does not mean that those (attention seeking) girls can be whimsy! If ED got to follow rules then so need those ladies.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> If ice is melting via hotness of temperature then
> "summer is approaching" and those rockets,nukes
> probably can provide fuel for people,
> but
> If "winter is coming" via coldness of temperature
> then those rockets,nukes probably can be used to
> generate heat for people.

Opportunity for Rao and Cythonna and more to make teamwork movie..
Sayin from YuGiOh! 5D probably can "test" boyfriend of girlfriend Lauren for that AZ podskazka..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Also message for Walker Texas Ranger : population
> people are mostly using out for their
> whims..
> ..if is correct then situation was more serious
> than boy ED thought..

Something specific or|and someone specific did (not) happen at early childhood of ED to ED or|and someone else from Team..
That suspicion is no longer rumors..this,that is serious "business"..(whoever (s)he was) was at EDs location or was at nearby locations or wants to be at location of ED..
No wonder boy ED is collateral damage and (whoever they are) try to silence ED from C.S.I.

Btw: ED faked cowardice, ED is selfteaching bravery but this,that investigation is as obstacle.
^ That youtube thumbnail picture suggest one of those "blue" 'fighters'..but could be someone,something else aswell.. ^

If this,that investigation is no longer joke(prank) then boy ED will relax, but ED is not responsible for Fallen,Taken movies and Ukraine,Taiwan..ED was trying to achieve R(a)isen series..

But someone tries very much to transfer blame about something on ED..ED was just kid then.
boy ED thought Team is trying to prank ED or do social experiment on ED, but signcluehints suggest possible actual danger..
girl Paris Hilton also should be cautious..
If fighters also messing with Team then someone else need to fight as replacer of ED : boy ED is not yet ready for 1vs1 and did not know that need to be..
Also those "food critics" should learn not to mess with ED..find someone else to ruin lifeplay..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> tripslips , can happen to anyone

ED dunno why kitchen knife happened, but that idea to do it did not come from ED; also ED braked execution.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Tripslips on icy surface etc. exist to remind
> people that without processes there are no
> results..

ED dunno how to compensate Liam Neeson : guess Liam Neeson need to watch out for those who operate below the law aswell as those above the law..
But this misunderstanding was educational:
# ED was kid who also(all kids not understand until they grow up) did not understand what adults do with (co)diy effort, but adults often not want to understand kids themselves via being overly busy
° all kids are whimsy until they learn not to be
# if someone want to do something to Team or ED then it will be noticed
° Taken movie podskazka and Marksman movie podskazka
# but ED also noticed something and someone that sceptics might not enjoy
° 3rd option aka BioSocieties can succeed via Saved by the Bell
° 4th option aka Narrow Path might be correct
° 1st and 2nd are historical examples about fighting
* probably more
Balance is everywhere.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Those heroes, dunno about villains, should be
> subject to specific police|army law, then they
> will reduce property damage from fights and
> citizen injuries, and their salary should be payed
> from tax money..from Balance POV they act as
> special police|army units..

This,that is also bit suspicious funny about USA: how can they stand up to bullies without counterbullying?!..
Why (those who laugh) not criticise that obsessive need to 'Hero vs Villain' trend?
People should resist "cancel culture"..
Sooner or later people will be bored from "Supreme police force" and then what? Those type of systems not last long.. "Supreme criminals"?
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Sooner or later people will be bored from "Supreme
> police force" and then what? Those type of systems
> not last long.. "Supreme criminals"?

It is bit pointless to explain: people would think that boy ED is cruel..therefore people need to experience on own skin to get to same conclusion as ED did..
..but so called "order" should not touch youth or 'chaos' need to rehappen.
When sceptics will teach kindergarden then will also understand..society enjoys system diversity..
..but "česnij sadist" should not touch young people.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Amara and Ayin and more also were kids with
> whims....

They need to be reminded about possibility of getting spanked again for whims..
..they also can be depleted,drained, forcetricked into bionic glitches..
..then they will C..
..that ED was just kid.

And Akiza from YuGiOh! 5D enjoy inflicting counterpain..Akiza simply need (friend of ED) to do it..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> When sceptics will teach kindergarden then will
> also understand..society enjoys system
> diversity..
> ..but "česnij sadist" should not touch young
> people.

Otherwise ED or (friendenemy of ED) will be forced to K.O. "česnij sadist" at 1vs1 somewhen at lifeplay..for messing with ED as toy.
Nothing( in this world) also requires beLIEf fuel from population people..otherwise reservoir gets low..lack of resources..same for Amara and Ayin and more..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Balance is everywhere.

But only those with whimcontrol notice it.. is not Over. ED already kissed.
What? ED tried to tell The Truth, but Team did not listen..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Nothing( in this world) also requires beLIEf fuel
> from population people..otherwise reservoir gets
> low..lack of resources..same for Amara and Ayin
> and more..

ED is boy, but situation is not fair fight: ED cannot fight back yet with success..

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