Independence Day is far from over, sceptics.

Aizsāka matrix 4 

matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Those blue Guardians of the Universe also need to
> spend more time on planet Earth to understand
> difference between chaos and order..for example at
> Russia.
> ED is boy, those manhunters and lanterns need to
> learn context and combine together..

Society is not "me, me, me", but "us, us, us".
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "What can i learn from loudmouth pretty boy
> > who....?" Investigate parent story, Alita
> battle
> > Angel..might be surprised..ED is not only one
> with
> > specific profession parents.
> ED is boy..ED did not resist on purpose. Alita
> need to understand that some people not want to
> fight pointlessly, but ED could.

Alita is girl who not understand that boy ED is not target of conspiracy but victim of conspiracy.

Oh, and if Zapan does not deserve that sword as weapon then who does deserve? Accussations operate both ways btw.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> 21st Century kinda shows that army people with
> body toughness only are not that effective anymore
> at battlefield with mines and rockets and need:
> MechWarrior fighter suits and|or MechWarrior
> battle vehicles, game podskazka, are probably
> needed to succeed at Ukraine..
> ..otherwise swarm (counter)strikes are needed..

21st Century combat is bit different from historical warfare..if army soldiers need to use technology to succeed then someone(s) with experience is(|are) needed..also teamwork.
Kinda wierd that multiple ....
If "česnij sadist" is terrorist then counterterrorism is needed or|and counter terrorists.

so u c ?
If "česnij sadist" is not boy but girl then (scion of Robbie Reyes) probably is achieve bionic glitches.. ;)
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> "What can i learn from loudmouth pretty boy
> who....?" Investigate parent story, Alita battle
> Angel..might be surprised..ED is not only one with
> specific profession parents.

Who do you think, "fixed" your 'bio body system', Alita? Friendly dude ED did. Conditional(it won't be used against boy ED) gift! Gifts are immune to conspiracy fools..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "What can i learn from loudmouth pretty boy
> > who....?" Investigate parent story, Alita
> battle
> > Angel..might be surprised..ED is not only one
> with
> > specific profession parents.
> Who do you think, "fixed" your 'bio body system',
> Alita? Friendly dude ED did. Conditional(it won't
> be used against boy ED) gift! Gifts are immune to
> conspiracy fools..

Alita is fighter, but boy ED is (Co)DIYer. :)
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Kinda wierd that multiple ....

If ED would simply explain Year 0 then sceptics would laugh..consider ED as crazy lunatic..

..BioCountries are possible.

Holiday info summary is correct.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "What can i learn from loudmouth pretty boy
> > who....?" Investigate parent story, Alita
> battle
> > Angel..might be surprised..ED is not only one
> with
> > specific profession parents.
> Who do you think, "fixed" your 'bio body system',
> Alita? Friendly dude ED did. Conditional(it won't
> be used against boy ED) gift! Gifts are immune to
> conspiracy fools..

:) Do math. ;)
BioCountries are possible, but people need to support Bio'nisms..including ecofriendly tools,vehicles,weapons,engines,buildings,hobbies,more.

Ukraine, dunno about Taiwan, conflict kinda postponed..BioWorld. Some countries want wars more than want peace.

Waterworld might need either filter&cleaning solutions or more boats for population.
If standart cars are nature polluting then citizens probably need to use less cars, specific(nature friendly) cars, alternative fuel cars, no cars at all....

..Kahovka HES is ecotragedy, ED is not responsible, but people can learn from it and try different, less polluting, movement transportation systems at same time..

Ukraine and Taiwan delay BioSocieties..but at same time provide trial&error.
Čau, mīļumiņ
LGBTQIA+ Rakstīja:
> Čau, mīļumiņ

Es esmu normals.
Kapec jus mani aiztiekat ar propogandu un cakarejat?

Es neesmu gomiks.
Both gender|sex superheroes|supervillains seems legit, but 21st Century kinda was supposed to be with less fighting..Balance.
Hitman podskazkas suggest Team need to look for someone who:
# also plays audiovideo games often or board games
# if strikes from behind to beat stronger opponent then is weaker : planet Earth still got cowards ; braves strike from front!
# gatherharvests spydata..
# who is Victor?
# Atlas?
* probably more

ED suggests Kratos or|and Batman to do teamwork movie with Callisto(Xena)..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> ED suggests Kratos or|and Batman to do teamwork
> movie with Callisto(Xena)..

BTW: observations :

Kratos was not born as assasin but probably artist who got into killer business due to tragedy Motivation..dunno about Batman and Callisto(Xena) but they also were tragedy affected..Gorr also was not born to fight and can be K.O.ed with god(dess) counterMorale..dunno about Sinestro with rings and Anuel and Than(at)os with gauntlet, but probably same story..karmah require that they understand this|that truth about circumstances.

Therefore Agent 47 cannot be best, but is also not worst. Robbie Reyes also is not worst and can be best. Paris Hilton also got Motivation from that event with "school".

WonderWoman Diana might be born to fight..Eirene|Irene mentioned that Diana is "refusing to be" 'self'..Diana or Grail might need to fight Ronda Rousey to test what Ronda's hobby can be.

21st Century suggests that people should learn difference between nonfair fighting and fair fighting.
Tragedy survivors need to refind their original hobby interests that they would do without those tragedies! Otherwise BioWorld will be extra delayed..

BioAtlantis requires both nonPagans and Pagans btw.
Tragedy survivors simply had either specific OverPowered weapon or higher Morale motivation or both and circumstances and that is why they succeeded then against targets without those.

The Truth always comes with A Price.
CO2, plastmasa, karosana, u.tml. Iedzivotaji laikam cer uz kautkadiem "varoniem" vai 'dievibam'(Captain Planet piem. vai Rao&Cythonna vai tml.) kas vinu vieta nodarbosies ar Talkas dienu..ta nenotiks. Vai nu kopa ka komanda rupesimies par planetu Zeme to nepiesarnojot,nepiemeslojot vai vispar nekadigi.

Nav brinums ka Atlantis 1.0 nesanaca bet Atlantis 2(+).0 sanaks.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> CO2, plastmasa, karosana, u.tml. Iedzivotaji
> laikam cer uz kautkadiem "varoniem" vai
> 'dievibam'(Captain Planet piem. vai Rao&Cythonna
> vai tml.) kas vinu vieta nodarbosies ar Talkas
> dienu..ta nenotiks. Vai nu kopa ka komanda
> rupesimies par planetu Zeme to
> nepiesarnojot,nepiemeslojot vai vispar nekadigi.
> Nav brinums ka Atlantis 1.0 nesanaca bet Atlantis
> 2(+).0 sanaks.

That suggests Waterworld movie might need Waterworld TV series..
"Kak ja razvol pacana.. ..u nas budet dengi." = afiget! Sanak ka zenu ED podstavil|zakazal|zagovoril kads no zena ED vecakiem del naudas? Kuda mir katitsa?! Vot padla.

Zenam ED jau berniba ari patika nauda, bet nejau tik sausmigi lai cakaretu gimeni. PSC

Tada gadijuma lai komanda izsmej ED vecaku kam interese nauda del naudas ari.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> "Kak ja razvol pacana.. ..u nas budet dengi." =
> afiget! Sanak ka zenu ED
> podstavil|zakazal|zagovoril kads no zena ED
> vecakiem del naudas? Kuda mir katitsa?! Vot
> padla.
> Zenam ED jau berniba ari patika nauda, bet nejau
> tik sausmigi lai cakaretu gimeni. PSC
> Tada gadijuma lai komanda izsmej ED vecaku kam
> interese nauda del naudas ari.

Sanak ka zenam ED ir lidzigs dzivesstasts ka Than(at)os tikai nevis mate, bet tevs vainojams pie apstakliem.

Tam mulkim no 'CTC serial' tiesam nauda svarigaka par gimeni? Nav brinums ka zenam ED patika Parisa Hiltone, bet zens ED netiecas tikai pec naudas. Tas mulkis taisija kadam no komandas peoblemas ari?
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> "Kak ja razvol pacana.. ..u nas budet dengi." =
> afiget! Sanak ka zenu ED
> podstavil|zakazal|zagovoril kads no zena ED
> vecakiem del naudas? Kuda mir katitsa?! Vot
> padla.
> Zenam ED jau berniba ari patika nauda, bet nejau
> tik sausmigi lai cakaretu gimeni. PSC
> Tada gadijuma lai komanda izsmej ED vecaku kam
> interese nauda del naudas ari.

One parent of boy ED is Wealth "cute"..dunno if Paris Hilton also is Wealth Digger..
Gadijuma tas "....u nas budet dengi.." wealth digger'is nav vainojams pie Halloween knife?!. Tetsu Trudge driz apciemos tos mulkus saistiba ar Mina..crime does not pay, skeptiki.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Gadijuma tas "....u nas budet dengi.." wealth
> digger'is nav vainojams pie Halloween knife?!.
> Tetsu Trudge driz apciemos tos mulkus saistiba ar
> Mina..crime does not pay, skeptiki.

BioSocieties require that everyone, who is corrupt from power, is counterable when needed..otherwise history will repeat itself over and over..

It is not Over.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Gadijuma tas "....u nas budet dengi.." wealth
> digger'is nav vainojams pie Halloween knife?!.
> Tetsu Trudge driz apciemos tos mulkus saistiba ar
> Mina..crime does not pay, skeptiki.

Halloween did not deserve that knife, but karmah will enjoy..

ED did not resist on purpose btw.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Tragedy survivors simply had either specific
> OverPowered weapon or higher Morale motivation or
> both and circumstances and that is why they
> succeeded then against targets without those.
> The Truth always comes with A Price.

Tragedy survivors also can bioglitch btw. ;)
If (scion of) Robbie Reyes is talented mechanic then Orbit podskazka, probably related to Ancient Aliens, probably requires that (scion of) Rob "fix" something,someone specific..

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