Independence Day is far from over, sceptics.

Aizsāka matrix 4 

Long story short: feminists need to counter mgtowists..with Sensei podgatovka..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Therefore planet Earth is collective
> responsibility.

ED was born from libido s3x. ED cannot be wMOM, sceptics even if wanted.
So much for wictory dance, Team? Karmah
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> This is serious: whoever is behind Ukraine
> conflict is also trying to shift blame on people
> as boy ED..but ED is trying to achieve
> BioAtlantis.

If 21st Century is about Peace and not wars then every country that uses violence to achieve goals should be shamed then and not only (countryballs Germany country).
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Long story short: feminists need to counter
> mgtowists..with Sensei podgatovka..

It is possible btw, but it will not be instant drink.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > What if standing on cactus(es) is requirement
> to
> > reach star(s)?!.
> Team only want ED because of Cypher project?

Cypher project only partially succeeded..Team is wasting effort trying to sabotage bionics of boy ED.

BTW: That daynight with cat only happened because boy ED got "krampis" was script and nothing more; it was stress situation.
Ukraine and Taiwan ruined collectivism society attention proofevidence, but Ukraine and Taiwan allows Cypher&Co to do tasks without obstacles..if people laugh about Cypher then Cypher will be able to do plan stuff without those who mess them up.
Also those countries who enjoy violence are sceptical about BioSocieties because of fighting habits..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Also those countries who enjoy violence are
> sceptical about BioSocieties because of fighting
> habits..

BioAtlantis is possible, but it requires (Co)DIY system.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Therefore planet Earth is collective
> > responsibility.
> ED was born from libido s3x. ED cannot be wMOM,
> sceptics even if wanted.

Muahahahihi..Profit Diggers cannot get profit from boy ED with this fact..greedy iSociety.

ED is not MOM|M|1|etc.

It is not Over.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Also those countries who enjoy violence are
> sceptical about BioSocieties because of fighting
> habits..

BioSocieties require doing (co)diys and nature..whimsy people not want it..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> "What can i learn from loudmouth pretty boy
> who....?" Investigate parent story, Alita battle
> Angel..might be surprised..ED is not only one with
> specific profession parents.

Matrix 4 is real but Matrix 5 is possible and requires also Matrix 3, 2, 1 ....
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> If (scion of) Robbie Reyes is talented mechanic
> then Orbit podskazka, probably related to Ancient
> Aliens, probably requires that (scion of) Rob
> "fix" something,someone specific..

B i n g o , Toldya.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Long story short: feminists need to counter
> > mgtowists..with Sensei podgatovka..
> It is possible btw, but it will not be instant
> drink.

Law of Attraction is that Secret formula.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Gender|sex Equality does exist, but it is not
> Gender|sex Identicality.

Fat people are e=mc2 fighters, but they are lazy;
Skinny people are (counter to e=mc2) fighters, but they are not lazy;
Both Martial Arts require Sensei podgatovka.
It is possible.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Therefore planet Earth is collective
> > responsibility.
> ED was born from libido s3x. ED cannot be wMOM,
> sceptics even if wanted.

ED was also boy who wanted to find ask specific questions..
..lifeplay choices of (co)players explains possible BioWorld itself.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Also those countries who enjoy violence are
> > sceptical about BioSocieties because of
> fighting
> > habits..
> BioSocieties require doing (co)diys and
> nature..whimsy people not want it..

Creator(ress) created humans(people from both Earth and elsewhere; including "česnij sadist" and "nečesnie mazohisti" and A Team and more) to be CoCreators but those people choose(often they are not forced, tricked to be cruel) to be CoDestroyers : that is not fault of boy ED and also is not fault of MOM..people are selfresponsible.
Selfresponsibility should be teached at schools, but not everyone go to school to learn..that is precisely how holiday info summary is correct: people ignore obvious signcluehints, but blame everyone else..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Long story short: feminists need to counter
> > mgtowists..with Sensei podgatovka..
> It is possible btw, but it will not be instant
> drink.

Without (Co)DIY processes there are no (Co)DIY results....
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Creator(ress) created humans(people from both
> Earth and elsewhere; including "česnij sadist"
> and "nečesnie mazohisti" and A Team and more) to
> be CoCreators but those people choose(often they
> are not forced, tricked to be cruel) to be
> CoDestroyers : that is not fault of boy ED and
> also is not fault of MOM..people are
> selfresponsible.

# Paris Hilton is also human with junkDNA
# Lyssa Drak is also human with junkDNA
# Than(at)os is also human with junkDNA
# Sinestro and Soraniku are also humans with junkDNA
# Superman and Supergirl are also humans with junkDNA
# Darkseid is also human with junkDNA
# Anuel is also human with junkDNA
# Gorr is also human with junkDNA
* more people are humans with junkDNA
° Earthlings are simply humans with junkDNA from planet Earth

Definition of Human is not about planet Earth, but also about it.
So you C, sceptics? Everyone is human!

It is not Over.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Long story short: feminists need to counter
> mgtowists..with Sensei podgatovka..

Temptation of luxury lifestyle affects even warriors and that is why those (super|top)models appear not capable of fighting, but during SHTF situations they will perform better..

Also bioluxury exist....
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Long story short: feminists need to counter
> > mgtowists..with Sensei podgatovka..
> Temptation of luxury lifestyle affects even
> warriors and that is why those (super|top)models
> appear not capable of fighting, but during SHTF
> situations they will perform better..
> Also bioluxury exist....

It requires overcoming Need for Luxury habits..
Need for BioLuxury is better..
ED spent years wondering why boy ED enjoy specific style people : ED is also fighter and those models are fighters..obviousity.
Fighters attract fighters.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Fighters attract fighters.

Skinny people dunno it until SHTF situations happen..fat people are fat not only because of genetics..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Long story short: feminists need to counter
> > mgtowists..with Sensei podgatovka..
> Temptation of luxury lifestyle affects even
> warriors and that is why those (super|top)models
> appear not capable of fighting, but during SHTF
> situations they will perform better..
> Also bioluxury exist....

Therefore if Artemis seek Amazonic girl warriors then those model agencies are where to find them..but they require training..
With years of specific Sensei podgatovka any girl can fight any boy and succeed..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> So you C, sceptics? Everyone is human!
> It is not Over.

That is precisely why history was too predictable for few,some (non)humans and lacked (non)human resistance : everyone got junkDNA.

It is not Over.

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