Sirds reimatisms

Aizsāka Tanija 

Sirds reimatisms
13.12.2005 19:29
Kaadas paziimes ir sirds reimatismam? Un kaadaa veidaa to aarstee? Un galu galaa, no kaa tas rodas?
Re: Sirds reimatisms
13.12.2005 19:37
no infekcijas - laikam streptokoki
Re: Sirds reimatisms
13.12.2005 19:40
Un kaa to infekciju var sakjert? Vai tas var saakties no parastas saauksteeshanaas? Un kaa to paarbaudiit? Un vai to sirdi peec tam var atkal izaarsteet?
Re: Sirds reimatisms
13.12.2005 19:47
to nosaka arî cilvçka predispozîcija pret konkrçto infekcijas aìentu un saslimðanu - vienam bûs, citam nç. par to izârstçðanu es nezinu, neesmu tik kompetenta, bet laikam jau ka nç... var darît visu, lai izvairîtos no tâlakas saslimðanas un komplikâcijâm (tâ man liekas).
Re: Sirds reimatisms
13.12.2005 20:03
Rheumatic fever


Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease that may develop after an infection with streptococcus bacteria (such as strep throat or scarlet fever ) and can involve the heart, joints, skin, and brain.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors ,

Rheumatic fever is common worldwide and is responsible for many cases of damaged heart valves. While it is far less common in the U.S. since the beginning of the 20th century, there have been a few outbreaks since the 1980s.

Rheumatic fever primarily affects children between ages 6 and 15 and occurs approximately 20 days after strep throat or scarlet fever. In up to a third of cases, the underlying strep infection may not have caused any symptoms.

The rate of development of rheumatic fever in individuals with untreated strep infection is estimated to be 3%. Persons who have suffered a case of rheumatic fever have a tendency to develop flare-ups with repeated strep infections.


* Fever
* Joint pain, migratory arthritis -- involving primarily knees, elbows, ankles, and wrists
* Joint swelling; redness or warmth
* Abdominal pain
* Skin rash (erythema marginatum)
o Skin eruption on the trunk and upper part of arms or legs
o Eruptions that are ring-shaped or snake-like in appearance
* Skin nodules
* Sydenham's chorea -- emotional instability, muscular weakness and rapid, uncoordinated jerky movements affecting primarily the face, feet and hands
* Epistaxis (nosebleeds)
* Cardiac (heart) involvement which may be asymptomatic or may result in shortness of breath, chest pain

Signs and tests

Given the different manifestations of this disease, there is no specific test which can definitively establish a diagnosis. In addition to a careful physical examination of heart sounds, skin, and joints, blood samples may be taken as part of the evaluation. These include tests for recurrent strep infection (ASO or antiDNAse B), complete blood counts, and sedimentation rate (ESR). As part of the cardiac evaluation, an electrocardiogram may also be done.

In order to standardize the diagnosis of rheumatic fever, several minor and major criteria have been developed. These criteria, in conjunction with evidence of recent streptococcal infection, establish a diagnosis of rheumatic fever.

The major diagnostic criteria include:

* Carditis (heart inflammation)
* Polyarthritis
* Subcutaneous skin nodules
* Chorea (Sydenham's chorea)
* Erythema marginatum.

The minor criteria include fever, arthralgia (joint pain), elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and other laboratory findings.

Two major criteria, or one major and two minor criteria, when there is also evidence of a previous strep infection (positive culture or rising antibody level -- ASO or antiDNAse B) support the diagnosis of rheumatic fever.


The management of acute rheumatic fever is geared towards the reduction of inflammation with anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin or corticosteroids. Individuals with positive cultures for strep throat should also be treated with antibiotics. Another important cornerstone in treating rheumatic fever includes the continuous use of low dose antibiotics (such as penicillin, sulfadiazine, or erythromycin) to prevent recurrence.

Expectations (prognosis) Return to top

The recurrence of rheumatic fever is relatively common in the absence of maintenance of low dose antibiotics, especially during the first 3 - 5 years after the first episode of rheumatic fever. Heart complications may be long-term and severe, particularly if the heart valves are involved.


* Damage to heart valves (in particular, mitral stenosis and aortic stenosis)
* Endocarditis
* Heart failure
* Arrhythmias
* Pericarditis
* Sydenham's chorea

Calling your health care provider

Call your health care provider if you develop symptoms of rheumatic fever. There are numerous conditions which may have similar symptoms, therefore you will require careful medical evaluation.

If you have symptoms of strep throat, notify your health care provider. You will need to be evaluated and treated if strep throat is confirmed, to decrease your risk of developing rheumatic fever.


The most important way to prevent rheumatic fever is by proper and prompt treatment of strep throat and scarlet fever.
Re: Sirds reimatisms
13.12.2005 20:17
Tas noziimee, ka no iekaisusha kakla var rasties sirds reimatisms? Vai taa shajaa gadiijumaa ir domaata angiina vai vienkaarshi iekaisis kakls? Tas noziimee, ka nekaadi joki ar saaposhiem kakliem nav, vai ne?
Re: Sirds reimatisms
13.12.2005 20:26
ðajâ gadîjumâ tâ domâta streptokoka izraisîta strutaina angîna.
Ar angînâm joki nav. Tâpçc kârtîgi jâdzer antibiotikas pie angînas.
Re: Sirds reimatisms
13.12.2005 20:28
Un kaa tiiri fiziologjiski tasnotiek? Taas bakteeerijas no iekaisushaas sirds caur asiniim un limfu aiziet liidz sirdij un iekaisina to? Kaa izskataas/ir iekaisusi sirds? Iekaist sirds audi? Un tad sirds saap vai tomeer ne?
Re: Sirds reimatisms
13.12.2005 20:33
Nez kaa tas gadiijaas .... izaarsteeja vai pazuda pats no sevis, bet sirds reimatisms kaut kados 18 gados vairs netika konstateets ... pirms tam ij uz fizkultuuraam neljaava iet (kaut gan es neklausiiju un gaaju), ij veel visadi ierobezhojumi ..... Bet es pati personiigi neko attieciibaa uz sirdi nejutu (ja nu vieniigi taas angiinas, BET ..... angiinas man pazuda, kad parstaaju aktiivi dziedaat) ....
Re: Sirds reimatisms
13.12.2005 21:39
Es tik taa domaaju, vai saapes pie moraalas un fiziskas paarpuules vareetu buut reimatiskaas sirds deelj? Vai ar reimatisku sirdi var sportot? Man arii beerniibaa arii neljaava iet uz fizkultuuraam sirds deelj. Diez muusdienaas arii neljauj pie taadas pashas diagnozes...
Re: Sirds reimatisms
13.12.2005 21:47
Bût var viskautkas, bet vai ir pateiks dr pçc izmeklçðanas.
Re: Sirds reimatisms
14.12.2005 00:01
Man berniba bija daudz strutaino anginu. Biju sanatorijas un pie sirds arsta vadaja mani... cik atceros ar sportu lika piebremzet..., bet ta ka gaju videne ar sporta novirzienu un loti patika un padevas sports, tad piedalijos pilna spara taja visa. Pirms kada laicina mandeles izrava, jo kakls labaks nekluva ari pieaugot, BET tagad pec lielakam slodzem naktis tirpst celi. Vai nu tas kopa saistams, nezinu...

Ta varetu but, ka tas no ta?
Re: Sirds reimatisms
14.12.2005 14:08
Nepretendçju uz precizitâti, bet imûnâ sistçma tur ir iejaukta - t.i. streptokoku antigçni, kas ir lîdzîgi paða organisma konkrçtu audu antigçniem. Tas sanâk tâ, ka streptokoku infekcijas gadîjumâ imûnâ sistçma sastopas ar streptokoku antigçniem, izstrâdâjâs imûnâ reakcija pret tiem, bet, tâ kâ tie ir lîdzîgi kautkam sirdî, locîtavâs un tml., tad imûnâ sistçma ierauga arî tos un notiek autoimûnâ reakcija laikam - kautko tâdu pa miglu atceros..

Tanija rakstîja:

> Un kaa tiiri fiziologjiski tasnotiek? Taas bakteeerijas no
> iekaisushaas sirds caur asiniim un limfu aiziet liidz sirdij un
> iekaisina to? Kaa izskataas/ir iekaisusi sirds? Iekaist sirds
> audi? Un tad sirds saap vai tomeer ne?

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