Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji

Aizsāka tercel 

matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
27.04.2022 21:51
Tie kas zimejas ka ir Alfas patiesiba ir Betas. ED speciali nepretojas.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
27.04.2022 21:52
Ar kraniniem meras tikai tie kam mazvertibas kompleksi.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
27.04.2022 23:05
Some tests need to be redone. Something|Someone does not add up. ED is blamed|framed|set up to take blamehit for Fallen movies and|or Ukraine conflict.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
28.04.2022 06:39
Dazas profesijas vides, piem CSN noteikumu ieverosana papildus sekmigai darba izpildei, uz Zeme ari apstiprina ka 3a iespeja eksiste un nav tikai Labie pret Sliktajiem ka viltus Dievs ar Velnu centas ieboret.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
28.04.2022 06:41
Konteksts nosaka vai notikums ir pozitivs vai negativs un ta esamiba apstiprina brivdienu infas kopsavilkumu.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
28.04.2022 07:16
If newschool North America not need|want|deserve oldschool Symbol anymore then that Eagle should migrate|relocate|move to another country for example South America.
But with that quitter attitude aka "can't fire me|us because i|we quit" americans&co will never beat russians&co|germans&co in 1:1.
Any country with discipline and values and self respect will always survive and grow aka A Book In Every Home.
But ED did not resist on purpose. ED is still alive. It is not Over.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
28.04.2022 07:20
Imagine war situation for peace where some iAmerican will say "enemy can't kill me because i won't fight or will commit suicide or will run|go away from conflict or friendly fire". Indians might be able to deliver karmah. +_- Players change but game stays same until people will study and learn from history to not repeat it. -_+
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
28.04.2022 07:22
Success requires actual effort sacrifices that instant gratification society not want to do.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
28.04.2022 07:23
Nowaday americans are using law as weapon and money as tool but in any World War law and money will not decide outcome.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
28.04.2022 07:24
Survival skills and (Co)DIY experiences will decide outcome.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
28.04.2022 13:35
BMWsniki ar japateste un jauzmana.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
28.04.2022 15:49
ED nipricom. Komanda pret ED izturas ka pret izklaides industriju un pesku un grekazi un pelnas avotu..
..znacit tas Stillbirth izdzivoja lai "viņas melo labāk" aplauztos un tiktu pie karmas jo ED ir viens no "viņi ____ labāk".
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
28.04.2022 18:21
There is some system that intervenes to forcetrick ED into tripslip.
But ED is not responsible for Fallen movies.
ED is trying to save planet.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
28.04.2022 18:24
A team need to simply trust ED. Trust does not Rust.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
28.04.2022 18:26
ED cannot know before timing because then not just A team will know but "they" and 'they'. ED was taking other blamehit that is not about Fallen movies to take care of relative.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
28.04.2022 19:28
Spriezot pec ta ka cilvekiem un necilvekiem patik tehnologijas era : vai nu Zeitgeist vai BioZeitgeist.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
28.04.2022 19:37
Tacu lai a complex lifestyle vides tehnologiskie iedzivotaji, piem vaciesi,kiniesi,tml., saprastu nevis zinatu biotehnologijas ir japadzivo the simple lifestyle vide.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
28.04.2022 20:01
That also allows build Noah ark 2.0 and other (co)diy (survival) stuff.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
28.04.2022 20:09
BMW team might try other vehicle type engineering aswell alongside bikes and cars..planes, helis, ships, locomotives, drones, etc...
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
29.04.2022 10:09
Instant Gratification society seek easy workjobs that pay with dopamine overdose but only hard workjobs forever pay with something else.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
29.04.2022 11:50
ED par daudz skaidro tapec ka daziem|dazam citadak nepielec un ari tapec lai EDam liktu mieru.
Dabiski ka nav viss. ED ir dzivs.
Darba telefoniem jabut vai nu pamatviedtelefoniem vai podzintelefoniem.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
29.04.2022 11:53
Taksto komanda svoih obizajet no cesnij sadist ne tak cesn kak sebja afisuet|reklamirujet, jesli tolko ne sadomazohism.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
29.04.2022 11:59
Nebrinitos ja krievvalodigie pec Abrenes teme uz Daugavpils pievaksanu u.c.tml. ari bet blin no sakuma lai iemacas krievi valdit bez pereboriem tad kacat kaprizes.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
29.04.2022 14:40
Ironic...if Than(at)os is insane tyrant parent then team members need to train scion Rot into sanity who is only halftyrant to counter.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
29.04.2022 14:41
Therefore ED suspects Marvel vs DC 'conflict' sooner or later.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
29.04.2022 14:42
But Russians|Germans|Americans|other_imperialistic_country might need Than(at)os..balance is everywhere.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
29.04.2022 17:38
"Those who do not study and learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Therefore those countries who ignore and|or not cherish history are either plotting Revolution aka want to change it or simply iCountries aka will repeat it sooner or later because lack of IQ.

ED is following rules. It is not over for planet because ED is blocking Triangle button but otherwise rules are followed.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
29.04.2022 17:45
Because replacing Soviet Union with European Union and|or State Union is same Union thing but different title.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
29.04.2022 17:46
Same game with different players. Until people will learn not to be iPeople.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
29.04.2022 18:24
Ja viltus Dievam ar Velnu ar labu nepielec tad bus ar sliktu : ta bija Freja.

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