Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji

Aizsāka tercel 

matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 14:28
Lanterns&Co need humbling and survival lessons from Earthlings aswell aka need learn humanity. Then they will know how ED feels..they probably used ED aswell for some agenda then discarded.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 14:37
Kapec bija ta replika "dabuji ara?"..znacit kads un|vai kada kautko ielika ED kermeni? Izskaidrotu kada veida ED podstavili|zakazali no bernibas. Tas pattern nenaca no ED.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 15:44
Truth is simple: The Simple Life got consent.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 15:55
Kapec apkartejie negribeja un joprojam negrib lai ED veicas? Nav viss.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 15:58
EDam nav princa un|vai princeses sindroms. Lai tas apkartejas neblefo. "Viņas melo labāk" pasam ir tadi sindromi un "viņi" ari lai beidz cakaret ED. Skauz laikam ka ED vieglaka dzive bet grutaka dzive noruda.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 16:00
Tada gadijuma ED atklas ari to ka apkartejie gribeja caur ED savaldzinat ari Dua Lipa u.tml. Ja vini cakare ED tad ED pretcakares.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 16:02
Ja vini un|vai vinas boja ED planus tad ED pretbojas vinu planus. Dua Lipa lai uztaisa C.S.I. tad sapratis ka ED patiess. ED nipricom.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 16:03
The Simple Life tika consent un buca bija kopmitnes.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 16:04
Eee ee e Oblom?
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 19:35
ED podstavili|zakazali kautkas. Visticamakais kamer vizinajas..
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 19:46
Interesting is also something else:
According to wikia's it appears actual reality is mixture of Gnosticism and Matrix and Comics..

Also Perpetua and similar entities can be adjusted to Earthling lifestyle aka they are not single minded compared to few aliens|visitors|nonhumans|humans but simply uneducated about what Earthlings are educated. That Source Wall is another proofevidence that watching(knowledge) is not understanding(wisdom), that also includes libraries and (Brainiac) databases. Info without DIY is lacking element of success.

ED did not resist on purpose and was not seduced etc..

Gender Equality is not Gender Identicality

The Source is intervening or..? Someone not enjoy truth that fake God is not real Creator.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 20:01
Dunno about issue with celebrity Janine but celebrity Dua Lipa and similar should be extra cautious..war and peace basics never change. Some Earthlings probably want profit(dna, similar) from them without earning and|or enslave and|or get rid of them.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 21:47
Whoever kissed ED needs to be cautious aswell. They probably try to sabotage both EDs and whoever kissed ED health|life|similar and if scion from kiss then that aswell..
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 21:49
It is not over. There is suspicion that Walker team imself did something to ED..
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 21:50
ED was honest about The Simple Life consent even if someone else kissed.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 22:00
Why surprised A team? ED did not resist on purpose. Satisfaction will not be given. Should have not mess with ED. ED is not responsible for Fallen movies but someone else is. That Walker book was not accidental..part of plan to control|mess with ED. Discord aka Sansa should investigate why Walker&Co tried to mess with ED&Co.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 22:04
NES control also was not random. ED is thrown in some invisible conflict agenda.

Earthlings need to be hidden surveilled. Sooner or later they will sliptrip.

Those around ED got illusion of _____. ED did not betray but is trying to figure out who did.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.07.2021 22:07
That knife was also planned through ED. They wanted to achieve any conflict to mess with ED as puppet.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.07.2021 10:26
If virgin|Red kissed ED then "viņas melo labāk" could be behind problems of ED, probably because "viņš" can counter them..
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.07.2021 10:47
As suspected: Tatu - Nas nedogonat also involved with issues of ED. They probably thought ED is without IQ and|or tried to silence ED.
As for why "viņas melo labāk": multiple reasons:
- matriarchy supporters who seek overthrow patriarchy "viņus"
- secrets about gender|sex differences aka boys are better at visible war but girls at invisible war
- need to rule planet Earth also never changes
- jealousy of Creation|Design therefore attempts at hijacking but they ignore that term "mother of God" also exist..therefore they can only try to deal with fake God on cloud but not father|mother of fake God on cloud
- upset issues, for example: swings then etc.
- more observations in similar directions
Girls need to understand that Boys got Chivalry code. If God is a Girl then it is supposed to be that way for healthy Solar system and they can only hope for Boy scion of God is a Girl attention. But ED is ED not JC|1||M|K|X|Y|similar.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.07.2021 10:50
As for whoever created Galaxy: that youtube dude theory needs to be tested aka might need to revive that Entity then see what happens
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.07.2021 11:04
typos and format not change message points..
it is possible they placed some spydevice somewhere outside and|or inside..
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.07.2021 11:07
But if human brain is another E.T. spything then it explains another invisible mental warfare..but even then whoever is using it to spydata needs to understand that similar to Brainiac database and similar that knowledge is not wisdom. They need to experience Earth themselves on their DIY body to understand "A book in every home".
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.07.2021 12:25
There is vibe of some conflict|manipulations going on in background..
..someone else is interested in Hilton and if Hilton denies that kissed ED then either lying together with Nelly(it was not Just a Dream) or someone else kissed ED and Nelly kissed Hilton or in that direction..or Gatis..dunno if Baiba..but Lauren podskazka..

But Celebrities should be cautious. There is Invisible War going on with or without Visible War.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.07.2021 12:27
ED was born as is therefore it is not pregnancy.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.07.2021 12:31
If girls are not interested in boys who take care of them then they probably are Simp Diggers and|or feminism vs mgtow. That would be that vibe of gender|sex VS thingy. Therefore MGTOW can counter Feminism.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.07.2021 12:35
ED is normal but because someone did something to EDs health, probably because of that Fallen movie thing and|or similar framery|set up and|or to use in (In)visible War as proxy tool scapegoat..ED is using self defence caution..otherwise another movie will come out and they will again blame ED.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.07.2021 12:39
ED is not human..someone is trying to convince few that ED is to manipulate and schemeplot with ED.
ED is not stupid. ED was pretending to be dumb. It is called smart move to counter deception with another deception.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.07.2021 12:41
If boys communicate directly with words aka shades of grey then girls communicate indirectly with words aka shades of colo(u)r..
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.07.2021 13:01
Human nature is dual therefore utopian and dystopian "conflicts" are unavoidable but what is avoidable is perishment of planet Earth and Solar system using that human dualism properly to solve Galaxy issues aka Protopia and providing Earthlings dual lifeplay Matrix.

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