Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji

Aizsāka tercel 

matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.10.2021 19:38
Everyone, including ED, probably is part of Allmighty puzzlerebus creation|design mystery story. It would make sense because if Allmighty would exist without process of discovery then Earthlings would probably QQ about result and would blame Allmighty for their free will choice decisions in history while in reality they wanted what they got during history when they were unaware. ED also did not want to be deity therefore skipped Godwave event probably but others wanted to be gods and goddesses therefore experienced Godwave. That would make sense aka if True Time works differently from Basic Time then Year 0 is still active? But if SIN exist then God is childkid Girl|Boy to avoid adult SIN status. Logic and Common sense. Those below age of consent are immune to above age of consent context. That suggests also another possibility aka Jesus might have deceived (over)population with Christ teachings and SIN true definition. That also explains Enigma song Return to Innocence aka Inner Child exist inside everyone of us and why "Time is not important, only Life important" to remember. Pathway to The Truth within A Truths is still available to every Earthling in that scenario.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.10.2021 19:43
Also if God is a Girl and|or Boy then it also explains why "A book in every home" is written in childkidfriendly language and why it oftens seems as if Allmighty ignores adult world with sin context prayers but not teenagers with their lack of sin world context etc. That suggests not everyone who is born could be sinner even if not saint.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.10.2021 19:49
It would make more sense that Allmighty Girl|Boy would be capable to be sinfree in that way if "word of Gov never changes" and at same time reward and punish Earthlings and immune from adult sin aka that suggests Ped0ph1lia is exception aka actual SIN|Crime. Nonadults cannot truly consent to adults. They simply lack understanding of what it means to 69.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.10.2021 19:50
"word of God never changes"*
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
23.10.2021 19:58
They(nonadults) only think that they know what (adult) "69" means but not understand what "69" truly means. ED was also recently newborn so confirm that during growing up urge to do something is not understanding of that something but simply copypaste ideas.

It is possible J(C) was building army aswell if was deceiving (over)population(including ED), if holy scripture was misunderstood context.

But when it comes to Paradise and Hell and even Heaven : both Kings and Queens are needed because of dual(faith|trust):dual(gender|sex) Earthling dualism.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.10.2021 14:25
Holiday info summary is valid afterall sceptics. There is valid suspicion ED or|and if ED got twin then also EDs twin was|is involved either directly or indirectly but without ED knowing about it aka on-a-need-to-know basis using naiveness of newborn aka step by step manipulation agenda using ED as proxy as suspected and then as blamegoat to hide details and transfer blame aka to prevent C.S.I. backtrack. If those Fallen movies happened. Some stuff is not quick to proove due to opposition hiding evidence at same time while investigation but getting there.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.10.2021 14:29
Ofc it is not over. ED is still alive but also probably not human but either %human or nonhuman with human limitations. It depends on who EDs parents were|are and what was endgame of that agenda using ED as proxy. Either way there is also Gray|Grey scale and Colo(u)r vision alongside Black&White|White&Black worldview. Also info backup probably do exist.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.10.2021 17:17
Blin. Sanak ka tie kas ir "illuminati" sistemas centra caur ED cakareja viltus Dievu uz makona un|vai Velnu publicejot korektu(tie nav meli; sajutas nemelo) brivdienu infu? Sanak ka tada teorija ari der prakse. Lai vieglak butu planetas Zeme populaciju kontrolet..psc Ta jau likas ka no ED taisa JC|1|M|u.tml. kopijklonu dazados veidos.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.10.2021 17:18
Komu to bilo vigodno sto u ne tolko ED problemi.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.10.2021 17:20
Tas nozime ka viltus Dievs uz makona tiem|tam trauceja cakaret Zemiesus..nav brinums ka gribeja atbrivoties no ED pec Fallen filmam. Nebrinitos ja caur|ap remote control of ED realizeja.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.10.2021 17:22
Guess it is useful that ED survived "kukla" OS is not over but ED might not be only human.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.10.2021 17:23
In this situation: enemy of my enemy is my friend.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.10.2021 17:26
The Simple Life tika buca nevis Danai, Kinai, Laimim "naves bucas" meginajums tml. Oblom?
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.10.2021 17:28
Tas izskaidrotu kapec Danone streso Actimel testos..ED tomer podstavili|zakazali..loti labi ka citplanetiesi tika pie balvas. Vares attirit ne tikai EDam reputaciju bet vel daziem|dazam.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
24.10.2021 17:29
Tapec skaidroju Bosiem ka ED bija par mazu un naivu un joprojam ar ierobezojumiem tapec nevareja realizet Fallen filmas pat ja gribetu. Ta ir tiraka vesturiska podstava|zakaz. ED nipricom. Taja C.S.I. joma nav viss. ED niprigelah.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
25.10.2021 14:39
Cik var taisit ED par JC|1|M|u.tml. kopijklonu? ED nav tas ko skeptiki doma. Tad jau Discord ari butu bet nav. Ari ED ir dala no Radisanas misterijas puzlrebusa. Ari EDam no bernibas ir problemas un grekosanas dzive tapec nav nekads svetulis bet nav ari bezizmera grecinieks. Kautkur pa vidu.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
25.10.2021 14:40
Vai ari taisa EDam problemas nevis del kopijklinijas bet del meginajuma ED taisit par "barotavu" vai sleptu aferu kura dazi|dazas pina ieksa EDu no bernibas lai izaugot vainotu...
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
25.10.2021 14:45
Nepacietigie vienkarsi cakare ED bet realitate nedarbojas pec "īkšķa-laikmeta"(instant gratification) formulas. Bez procesa(pacietibas, gaidisanas) nav rezultata(izpratnes par realitates detalam). ED vienkarsi ari ir patiesas patiesibas mekletajs.
Un ED nemaz nav tikai cilveks tapec tapat tas ultimatiskais piedavajums "Paradize vai Elle" nedarbojas. Tas ir novecojis prieksstats par realitati.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
25.10.2021 14:50
Realitate uz ED darbojas tiesi tapat ka uz parejiem Zemiesiem tapec beidziet no ED taisit to kas ED nemaz nav. Pec tadas logikas var sak stukot ka planetas iedzivotaji kopuma ir citadaki neka sakuma likas..tas ir vnk psc. No sakuma ED taisa par JC kopijklonu tad 1 kopijklonu tad iespejams ari M kopijklonu tad vel par kopijklonu S|X|Y un tagad vel citu absurdismarazm kopijklonu. Tad vel dazi meginaja iestastit ka ED ir velkautkas(bet tas varetu but ticamak del Bloodlines). ED ir taspats malciks no bernibas un citu variantu tur nav! Samierinieties. ED ievero butiskos noteikumus.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
25.10.2021 14:54
Pieradusi no ED baroties tapec nevar izturet ka ED ari paaudzies un mazak hormoni un naivums, varbut tapec nevar izturet ka ED ari kluvis neatkarigaks u.tml. visticamakais. Mazak var tuset kopa un "est|dzert" ED naivuma energiju kas ir tadapati u.c. idejas tajos virzienos.

The Simple Life JAU tika buca.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
25.10.2021 14:56
Zelejkonfektes "Amma" uzlime bija pieradijums. ED sevi no bernibas apzinati necakareja. Iespejams neapzinati del citu neredzamajam manipulacijam. Tapec ED nipricom. ED jau pagruti vienatne pret baru attirit reputaciju.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
25.10.2021 21:24
Brivdienu infa patiesa skeptiki. Patiesiba EDu dubultigi podstavili|zakazali. Lauren komanda censas vainot A un Z komandu bet A un Z komanda censas vainot Lauren komandu... Tapec domaju kapec itka ir bet ari itka nav. Patiesiba ED bija patiess bet apjucis. The Simple Life tika consent buca. Ar ED naivumu tiesam manipuleja. ED tomer bija un ir korekts. Rokijam tomer bija taisniba. Ari EDam ir krampis.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
25.10.2021 21:26
Ping Pong meginajumi uzvelt vainu uz ED pa vidu. Tipiski. ED tomer nav melis.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
26.10.2021 19:03
Tas ir PSC. Musdienas ar cilvekiem komunicet ir gandriz taspats kas Prosrockas video skatities u.tml. Galigi ignore sarunas kontekstu.

ED jau paskaidroja ka nav JC, 1, M, un tas ka citigi par kopijklonu megina taisit...

ED jau paskaidroja savas idejas. Vismaz viena no ieprieksminetajam idejam ir korekta.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
27.10.2021 09:49
Nav brinums ka The Simple Life skeptiki EDam problemas taisa. EDam tomer bija taisniba. Musdienu sabiedribas konteksta (ne)apzinata ignoresana del A Complex Life komforta ir apliecinajums brivdienu infas kopsavilkuma korektumam. Tas ari ir kartejais apliecinajums kapec padomija bija sekmigaks projekts ar DIY kas ir tuvu CoCreator misijai cilvecei.

A kas attiecas uz nazi: ir pamatotas aizdomas ka tas nazis bija karma par ED cakaresanu.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
27.10.2021 09:51
Ofc ED is still alive those biorobotic police,criminal team members from BIOT planet. It was and is not over. +_- ED escaped. -_+
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
27.10.2021 09:54
But while planets are mentioned: either there needs to be (non)human revolution to further improve (non)human (spiritual) evolution or interplanetary transport aka multiplanetary lifestyle. Holiday info summary valid afterall.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
27.10.2021 09:57
Starp citu: tie failsafe tapec eksiste lai butu atgadinajumi par Narrow Path un ka viltus Autoritates nav ista Autoritate.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
27.10.2021 09:58
Taksto te kotorije hocet stoto delat s ED vsjotaki svoih obizajet.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
27.10.2021 10:00
ED atskiriba no viltus Dieva un Velna u.c. sevi netaisa par Autoritati. Patiesibas mekletajs..jau paskaidroja.

Nav brinums ka sabiedriba pacakareta.

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