Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji

Aizsāka tercel 

matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 11:50
A kas attiecas uz Parisu Hiltoni un|vai Nikolu Rici : Nikija Hiltone.
A kas attiecas uz Caroline un Elena : Bonnie.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 12:09
Tas "što?" ir papildus apliecinajums tam ka viltus Dievs nav istais Raditajs.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 12:23
Nebrinitos ja viltus Dievs tuse pa Menesi un|vai tamlidzigi un tapec nesaprot kontekstu.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 14:12
Dazreiz liekas ka Donalds Tramps jeb Hitlers un|vai tamlidzigi sito planoja lai varetu realizet savu aferu. Hitri uztaisits: novajinat armijas un pec tam taisit Prison Break.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 14:13
Hitleram ta apsestiba domat ka ir pargudrais un citi parmulkie ari ir vaja vieta.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 16:02
Skiet EDu lieto ne tikai ka proxy tool bet ari ka puppet lai izraisitu vai|un turpinatu WW3.
ED nipricom.
Tas nozime ka vai nu lanterni vai kadi citi pielieto nervu savienojumu cakaresanas mehanismus.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 16:03
Nebrinitos ja Hitlers grib revansu ar Wonder Woman.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 16:04
Tapec iespejams bus nepieciesama ari Grail Darkseid.

Nebrinitos ja Parisa Hiltone cakareja A komandu.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 16:07
If this is world war 3 for world peace 3 then both Diana and Grail might be needed.

What if Diana,someone else close to Zeus was kidnapped? Would explain Taken phone caller.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 16:08
Also would explain sabotaged EDs health.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 16:09
Lanterns probably thought they can scare ED into submission. Not how real world operates.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 16:10
Ofc it is not over. ED was faking dead. ED is still alive.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 16:11
If Germany is remote controlled then history might repeat itself.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 16:13
Oh and what a coincidence : women, children : probably infected those and disabled to prevent Diana from attacking but Grail won't care. Balance
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 16:14
ED suspects filtered contextual numbness and situational awareness is needed to succeed in WW3.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 16:15
ED might be scared of life but is not scared of death.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 16:32
This is not conflict but decoy distraction to shift focus away from survival of planet Earth.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 17:18
Toldya ED did not resist on purpose. Invaders tripslipped. Balance
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
02.05.2022 17:19
This might be battle|war for control|peace of Earth.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
06.06.2022 17:51
It is official conclusion at this point : USA cannot be allowed to be only "super power" 'country'.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
06.06.2022 20:16
Holiday info summary sceptics need to "join dots" from 'podskazkas' :
# for example : "kukla" 'OS' info dude mentioned that space travel is (not) possible because of Galactic law: yet Moon|Earth landing is popular (conspiracy) theme...Lao Ma quote and When You Believe song require Collectivism society..ED was and is honest afterall
* more sane ideas
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
06.06.2022 20:17
Think sceptics before regret hurting ED after who is preventing|delaying triangle button push|pull.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
06.06.2022 23:37
ED tiek par daudz noverots un tas ir netaisnigi.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
07.06.2022 00:18
ED aizdomas sak apstiprinaties : kada un|vai kads no komandas ganjau uzskata ka ED uztura lieto meslus,sudus bet tad tas ir neapzinati.

Patiesiba ED nelieto uztura meslus,sudus.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
07.06.2022 00:35
Taksto komanda svoih obizajet.

ED is boy who kissed (virgin) girl.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
07.06.2022 08:06
Before ED writes something about someone aka Sons of Anarchy podskazka : countertelepath system needs to happen and team needs retesting.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
07.06.2022 08:09
Otherwise they will reblame ED but ED is not responsible for Fallen movies.
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
07.06.2022 09:23
ED (gimenes)?kaitinatajiem,provokatoriem ir kautkas jasaprot : ED ir krampi..
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
07.06.2022 09:24
Karmah - Just be good to me ????
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Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
07.06.2022 10:56
Charlotte Flair should not be surprised that karmah happened to leg : afterall who attacked leg of Ronda Rousey before?

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