Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji

Aizsāka tercel 

matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
10.11.2021 14:11
Respektivi planetu Zeme jataisa par DIY themed planet.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
10.11.2021 16:59
ED was and is honest afterall. Balance does exist. Members of Mayday song Save the Robots allows CoExistance and CoOperation of biorobotic and robotic lifeforms aswell as human and nonhuman lifeforms when it comes to (re)terraforming planets. Earthlings got no choice if Solar system, Galaxy is transforming,colliding but to peacefully CoExist and CoOperate instead of waging more Space Wars. Survival logic and common sense requires compromises. It probably was needed that misunderstanding with ED happened. In reality ED is also normal boy who kissed normal girl. Holiday info summary is valid. Therefore it will not be over any time soon. ED is not JC|1|M|similar but simply truth and justice seeking team member. ED did not resist on purpose and did not agree to ultimatums. But they not want ED to succeed temporary leaving planet Earth, similar..who benefits from problems of ED?
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
11.11.2021 11:17
ED ir normals. Nebus nekadas atvadas. Nav viss.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
11.11.2021 11:18
ED nevis piekrita vai nepiekrita bet saubas jo nav iedota izvele un sapratne. Tacu ED patiess. Kautkam izdevigi ka ED vaino.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
11.11.2021 11:22
Prieks ka Dronus sakusi lietot bet sabiedriska sistema nav ipasi cesna..citadak EDam nebutu nepelnitas problemas. ED tak nav vienigais kas saka ka buca bija kojas. Lauren ari..
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
11.11.2021 13:19
Sita sistema nav cesna..vienkarsi cakare cakaresanas iespejas del. Nepatik tie kas ir korekti..vai tml. Un ED nevienu Zemieti apzinati nav apbizojis tapec nav jaatvainojas.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
11.11.2021 15:43
Pat Waiting for Bus video bilde esosajam medalniekam bez procesa nebija rezultata bet musdienu instant gratification sabiedriba gaida no ED rezultatu bez procesa. +_- Nirga nak. -_+ "A book in every home" ir korekta gramata nelieliem pielabojumiem.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
11.11.2021 15:45
Brivdienu infa patiesa. Dualie cilveki tikai ar labu nesaprot vai negrib saprast..kadreiz bija ari sliktumi tapec saprata.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
11.11.2021 15:46
ED tomer nemuldeja par podstavu|zakaz..kadam|kadai izdevigi ka ED cies..
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
11.11.2021 18:02
Ofc info from ED is valid holiday info sceptics. As 'A book in every home' also explained and Jesus (Christ) teachings also teached : experience needs to be experienced on own skin to believe it aka not be in state of debial. Even ED doubted Matrix at first yet it exists. Otherwise everyone would laugh..reality laughs last|better. Truth is stronger than Lie. Trust does not Rust but Faith ___ _____.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
11.11.2021 18:04
state of denial* History is proofevidence of holiday info summary.

It will not be easy for nonEarthlings who lack needed DIY experiences to counter Earthlings with DIY but possible to learn and change and evolve.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
11.11.2021 18:08
Story with fake God on cloud aka people riot against nonneutrality from that Deity is why real God( is a Girl|Boy) operates in mysterious neutral ways..but ED is %human or nonhuman with human limitations and not just human..
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
11.11.2021 18:10
For those who will treat planet Earth as Rentdom instead of Kingdom|Queendom it will be easy to understand.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
11.11.2021 18:22
Therefore "ape" existance for "fish" on same planet Earth was either positive karmah aka assisting force team army to counter "them" or negative karmah aka for something aswell. Balance does exist. It takes swallowing process to understand. Makes sense. ED is not liar afterall just honest but also clueless and confused.

Year 0 is only doubt..but because Jesus did not need Christ saviour to be saved unlike others, including ED and ED.L, it is possible..
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
11.11.2021 18:24
Similar story probably for Lanterns&Co..Earthlings got competition from nonEarthlings for planet for change.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
12.11.2021 08:36
Patiesiba nav viss. ED ir normals sakarigs calis. ED podstavili|zakazali. Buca tiesam bija kojas ar Parisu Hiltoni.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
12.11.2021 08:37
Kautkas vienkarsi iejaucas lai EDam nesanaktu..
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
12.11.2021 17:20
Nu nav viss. ED nemeloja par bucu kojas. Neatkarigi vai bija Parisa vai Astarte vai Red vai Pink vai Maxim vai kadacita bet bija.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
12.11.2021 17:21
Kautkadu iemeslu del notiek iejauksanas. Kads un|vai kada slepjas aiz ED problemam.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
13.11.2021 10:43
Dunno about other celebrities but Paris Hilton from The Simple Life got consent kiss with ED. ED was and is honest regardless why someone($) were or|and are hiding behind problems of ED. Ask Astarte|Red|Pink|similar if not believe %human ED sceptics.

This forcerushery of ED every day suggests:
# (non)human(oid) impatience during instant gratification era but wirhout process there is no result
# someone is trying to get attention either to warn Earthlings or nonEarthlings about some "event", for example, 'winter is coming', space sos distress signal, similar
# someone(s) is(|are) trying to make ED into copyclone of JC|1|M|similar
# those responsible for Fallen movies are still trying to shift blame towards ED instead of C.S.I.
# fake God or similar could be trying to keep ruling throne therefore using what is available remaining to keep attention to im instead of The Truth always comes with A Price; either way Trust does not Rust
# similar ideas

Holiday info summary valid.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
13.11.2021 10:47
ED is simply trying to clean reputation using various improvisation methods. Ofc it is not Over. ED is not liar. Someone wants ED to suffer instead of ____(ED does not know who is responsible)...could be why trying to convince political Bosses that ED is responsible and|or only human but ED is not only human but ED is also not JC|1|M|S|X|Y|similar
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
13.11.2021 10:50
But this misunderstanding with ED and investigation kinda explains why "operating in shadows" for nonEarthlings exist : Earthlings are too gready. If someone earns or|and achieves something not in secret then they also seek to take it without giving something in return. But that ratio of Give & Take needs to be maintained. ED is simply truth seeker. Year 0 is only doubt.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
13.11.2021 10:52
Ofc ED is still alive. ED was|is not just human but also human or nonhuman with human limitations. Either way ED did not betray Olympus. ED is trying to figure out who wants ED to take hit for what happened aka Fallen movies.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
13.11.2021 13:13
If Sucker Punch movie is about Gnosticism then it further explains few planet Earth mysteries.."they"(ancients) probably were either trying to silence holiday info summary truth or reveal it to generate something or mix it with lies to confuse (over)population. Otherwise someone(s) else behind problems of ED.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
13.11.2021 15:21
This is another reason, alongside cleaning reputation and avoiding "kiss of death" and similar unjust cruelty towards ED, why ED is behaving suspicious:

also there was that wattpad article...

Society, especially nowaday instant gratification generation era, expects too much results from Earthlings, including %human|nonhuman ED who is not JC|1|M|similar but ignores processes...impatience..etc..but ED also got to learn how to be patient growing up. Even Waiting for Bus parent got those medals over journey.

The Simple Life got consent kiss. A Complex Life should stop doubting ED.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
13.11.2021 15:25
When ED was naive someone(s) framed|blamed|set up ED to take blamehit for Fallen movies. Ofc ED will avoid more movies. ED did not betray anyone on purpose except ED imself if that is even possible.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
13.11.2021 15:26
Vienatne pret baru jau nav cesna.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
13.11.2021 15:27
Bilo bi spravedlivij boj togdo uvideli sto Rokij bil prav.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
13.11.2021 15:28
Therefore nonEarthlings also need use extreme caution when dealing with Earthling junkDNA sideeffects.
matrix 4
Re: Dziednieki , ekstrasensi un burvji
13.11.2021 15:37
Btw: point nr. 6 in previously given link article is another proofevidence why holiday info summary valid. Those who get stuff without DIY become parasitic. No wonder they expect miracles from ED without DIY themselves. Quotes about mankind were valid. ED is normal boy who kissed girl and is pretending to be copyclone to figure out something. That "kukla" 'OS' is actually formula for success sideefects immunity via becoming immune to failing sideefects. Balance. Without that junkDNA blocking process humanity is failing at human factor. Only Retro era Earthlings will understand...

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