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Aizsāka EmpatisksCilveks 

Andrey Reznov|Sergei Apin youtube kanalam bija taisniba. Istais Raditajs nav viltus Dievs. Citadak jau so planetu un cilvekus necakaretu un nebremzetu civilizacijas progresu un neprasitu spaidu ticesanu un klanisanos.
This article.. useful for multiple purposes. It allows give itemobjects "soul" with usage(without irish DIY feature) but also allows extrasensory people to do C.S.I. with what used them for example and similar direction ideas..and might provide memory fragments for those who have visions and assist with ghostspirit unfinished business.

As for colo(u)r articles there seems to be lack of info about Pink dragons, Pink furniture etc..
What? BMWists wanted someone(s) who pay for their "services" and Hilton family have money..ED is boy who consent kissed Paris Hilton or related girl to Paris Hilton. -_+ Hiltons also love it when plans come together. +_-
Kas viniem|vinam tik sausmigi taja ED un|vai PH un|vai citas slavenibas trauce..? Skaudiba laikam..
Vai ari energijas vampirisms..muzigi izsalkusi bet ari ED ed un dzer..vai ari trauce ka realitatei pedejais vards..varbut tapec baz konfliktsituacijas.
Kaimini aplauzas? Ja jau patika Skarleta Johansone u.tml. pat ar aizdomam par to ka kautkas(uzvedas ka "vecis|muzik" nevis "vecene|baba", daziem|dazam laikam patik tada leksika) nav ritigi tad pasi visticamakais ari bija|ir "pitari". ED jau vispar nezinaja par singletask un multitask atskiribam, tapec neskaitas.
Oblom sceptics and Rock? Who is Snitch now? Toldya ED is not using phone but was also unaware. Often acting is not acting in Hollywood. Noob with muscles aka Battletoads quote. ED was framed|set up Bosses. Other Pinks witnessed alternatively that ED honest all time.
ED also have Team behind..Toldya. Karmah for those who not understand with words..even if those who not understand are from A team. Who is outnumbered now? ED did not betray! Victim of circumstances. A team cannot punish ED for caring about Paris Hilton..otherwise not responsible. For similar reason that VW is somewhere in Russia..
Nu aplauzaties brivdienu infas skeptiki un Bosi un Mario&Luigi u.c.? ED bija 3 ausuliecinieces(varaviksne) vismaz. ED nipricom un tiesam podstavili|zakazali. A tas kas (ne)notika vareja but saistits ar aculieciniekiem(tas ar velak bus izskaidrots).
Nu sto? Oblamalis skeptiki? I jesjo govorit sto "mi svoih neobizajem"..
Nu sto plivateli? Vsjotaki ne plivat? A tak krutimi sebja scitali kogda pugali ED..oblozalis po polnoj programmi. Oblom?
If Lauren video about stillbirth valid then Switched at birth(later) did happen and Rhea probably witnessed..therefore comments honest. Would explain also "machinery" behaviour of ED..probably nanites..
That would explain lack of divine form but other(s) probably elsewhere..and might explain also Batman vs Electrocutioner..
That means it is nanite disease similar to hate and rust plague that drains energy..toldya Bosses that ED framed|set up.
Nanites are computing binary..
T o l d y a s o ! Holiday info sceptics are iDiots.. For that reason Taken phone call happened..
Covid nemnosko vozvrasajet stajanije na ocered..i toze podderzavajet "A book in every home". Pravila sobludajetsa.
BTW: Paris Hilton also wears oran(d)ge..
Tam kas notika un|vai nenotika ar ED ir sakars ar telpu parkrasosanu un|vai "berem"..tapat vien jau neparkrasotu un 'neaizietu'..
That Marksman trailer show wounded in belly person but before that they could have switched|seperated at birth(or later) in hospital or elsewhere(might explain Taken and The Room)..

It is also possible Ancient Alien|Visitor Abductions are either real or misunderstood exits&enterings into various Matrix'es..
Alien included Matrix might be real aswell..
Blue 'code' Matrix as tutorial Matrix for those before&after Age of Consent make sense..people get educated in such "ignorance is bliss" and "trust does not rust" world environment safely including about other Matrix'es..if green Matrix is about will&counterwill Matrix then ED could be in different 'code' Matrix with diferent aspect and counter aspect. Makes sense.
different*..typos part of ruling.
"A book in every home" make perfect sense. People until age 20+ need to be ignorant of details to follow their heart in general but doing actions that benefit planet and society and after 20+ they can do memorylane summary to understand what their lifestory was|could be about in details..
At the moment it seems multiMatrixes within omniMatrix are achieved with aspect&counteraspect forces|energies|emotions and linked together with exit&enter points|systems..
Therefore it is possible string theory, allow 0=0+(+1-1)0(-1+1)+0+1-1 etc..

Allmighty ruling(mathematics, chemistry, physics, list goes on)...
If Rocky speech was about Lucifer then something in this direction could be why ED framed|set up, switched|seperated..

"You're right. It is personal. You humiliated me. I... I hate you. Deeply. Truly. I'm gonna enjoy wiping that smug, self-satisfied look off your face. Personally.

..similar to Gaia..
But Blue Matrix also is dual therefore ignorance|bliss and counterignorance|counterbliss..make sense.
Probably Blue Matrix ratio shift adapts..the more players know the less there is need for Allmighty ignorance|bliss..but it still exist because Allmighty counterignorance|bliss is also needed. It makes sense. That info comes from Blue Matrix system itself probably. Probably "extreme truth seekers" see through deception or pay for extra truth with their relaxed 'comfort zone'(might explain why such comfort zones exist) energy..something in that direction..
That suggests if God(dess) of Truth exist somewhere on planet is also God(dess) of Lies..balance.

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