Par padomju laika domasanu un ne tikai....

Aizsāka EmpatisksCilveks 

Notebook fight scene nozime ka ED bija sekss ari. Oblom tie kas prasija vai "beidza"? Kapec vienmer prasa pieradit?
Vispar jau Riga pirms Krievijas imperijas ari eksisteja bet nu skaidrs kapec tada interese par Latviju..

Un atkal, Bosi, ar ED viedokli gandriz nemaz nerekinas bet pec tam brinas kapec Oblomi.
Es nepardomaju bet sapratu ka nebija ne Kina ne Vacija bet kada cita. Abas valstis pudere man smadzeni. Nav brinums ka The Simple Life bija karma tam divam. Abas divas nebija. Tresa bija nezinama pagaidam. Consent buca nenotika abos gadijumos. Gan Vacijai gan Kinai nav savienojums.
Ar kadu citu bija consent buca.
Visticamakais gan Parisa gan Nikola kautko slepj. Varbut vinas gribeja sanaidot ar gimeni, kaiminiem vai tml. bet kaimini ari iepiti del Gaia..
To naziti nopelnija tas chieftain par to ka cakareja ED par to ko ED vel neatceras. ED tika iespaidots no malas. Tapec jau uz ED karma neattiecas.
Nu neaptestie izrubitaji "varoni" draudetaji aplauzaties vienreiz? Ja ar ED un|vai ED draudzeni kautkas notiks ar velkadu no komandas notiks..dabas balanss. Ar labu jau nepielec..vienmer ar sliktu tagad tad dabujat ar sliktu ja reiz ar labu nesanaca. Hijack tika counterHijackots. The Simple Life Parisa Hiltone. Viltus Dievam oblom? Istais Dievs nav bebuks ABCnieks. One Above All rules with Love.
Ka redziet tie kas ED saukaja par pepinu un jefinu pasi ari izradijas pepini un jefini un tamboretaji par miksto pasi nebija cietie..
Nu aplauzaties brivdienu infas skeptiki? Tapec skaidroju ka es nipricom. Es nenodevu komandu bet centos glabt. Ja mani klausitos un iedzilinatos bez apsaubisanas nebutu problemu. Un es speciali nepretojos privatu iemeslu del(depresija u.tml.) un mani nesavaldzinaja un man bija buca ar meiteni jo esmu zens. Taksto kuri tagad pitari? Un es vakar pa istam to naziti bija nopelnijis..mani cakareja ari. Nu un ka nezinaja? Es ar nezinaju ka mani no malas iespaido(ganjau ar to nanovirusu) bet necakareju. Tikai aizstavejos. Ir atskiriba.
Naksies kompenset man nepelnitas problemas ne Bosi ieskaitot Vovciku? Tapec jau teicu un skaidroju ka mani podstavili|zakazali. No istas karmas nevieni neaizmuks. A tadi varoni bijat kad par mani nepelniti un nepamatoti nirdzat..itka es butu nenodevu. Es tiesam censos uztaisit United Galaxies. Naksies vien tos metinajumus nemt nost agrak vai velak. Tad paskatisimies vai joprojam nirgs. Priekskam tad tiem opisiem ir ta pieredze ja nesaprot ka dazi puiseli tiesam nipricom? Tspec jau es nestresoju testos. Ir tads teiciens: kas vainigs tas bailigs bet es neraustijos itnemaz tapec ka niprigelah.
Typo gan jau ari del tiem tapec ari nebija viss lai tiktu kompensetas man problemas.
Un mani nepiekavat un neiebiedejat(man ari plivat) speciali gribeju pie reizes kautko uzzinat. Cik talu mani cakares domajot ka es pricom. Cik talu ies lai mani likvidetu un soditu nepamatoti lai tikai istos vainigos nesoditu un tiktu sveika cauri. Ja nebutu 21.12.2012. tad varbut ari butu reinkarnejies..zinkariba darija savu..
What if chieftain(s) were tried to be insultoverthrown by those who they turned into vampires? Fruits do not fall far from trees..and would explain why blame ED aswell..things went sideways..
Guess will need to not write to catch whoever framed|set up me adapting to comments but improving planet is not breaching of logic and common sense rules. Also they could have used backdoor and|or that direction..

Also this is valid because of sticker "Amma" on fridge and suspicious behaviour that is still goinf on but they try hide they like drain ED at every opportunity.
Oh what happened sceptics and few specific team girls? Toldya ED normal boy. In such situation that song should have been "work son of a bitch" instead of "work bitch".. +_- -_+
That first and last episode is also more podskazka. "Can't do squat"..might be related..
ED was framed|set up..gypsy DNA explains Titanic influence..either irish sink that ship or try to revenge or similar..
Dunno. ED is boy. Probably some girl(s) got key(s)..such (counter)mess requires multitasking distraction|control overdose for singletaskers..that is probably why girl Martial Arts are about teamwork and|or doing multiple stuff at same time because in 1:1 confrontation almost(exceptions might exist) always boy Martial Art'ist will succeed when achieve situation where single stuff is needed to be done. Explains action movies including Mortal Kombat, Dead or Alive, Double Dragon, I spit on your grave, similar where after long fight if boy is not holding back and is not distracted|overwhelmed then girl not succeed delivering finishing blow. Gender Equality is not Gender Identicality. Gender|sex specific schools and|or study classes|programms therefore valid idea to achieve proper spiritual and body evolution..
Therefore boys and girls cannot brag that they beat each other in 1:1 duels. They are born different. There cannot happen actual 1:1 between girl and boy unless personality copied into equal Mechwarrior style robotic bodies for example but even then they lack same thinking mentality(binary and nonbinary difference) so it probably cannot happen at all. Therefore girls can do what boys cannot do and boys can do what girls cannot do. Balance.
Kautkadu notikumu saistiba ar ED apkartejie visulaiku censas atkartot un|vai izmainit un|vai slept..
Ir velviena teorija..iespejams ka iesaistiti LGBTQ+..gomiki kas domaja ka ED novirzes gribeja kolities klat un savaldzinat un lezbes kas nesaprata ka Katy Perry dziesma bija prank|social experiment ari ganjau gribeja kolities klat un savaldzinat.
Oblom Aquaman&Co? Only real "God" rules..and ED is boy who kissed girl.
But ED not yet know who it is.

Holy Grail could be vessel of memories.
Could be JC|1|M|S|similar but also could be someone else but ED is ED. It depends on original human Galaxy Creation story design.
Ktoto hocet kovoto slomat no protiv loma toze jest prijomi.
Tak i dumal sto obidelis|obidelas nekotorijie iz komand na Barbij i oni cesni.
Nu sto oblomalis skeptiki? ED normalnij.
Ironiski ka tie pasi kaimini bija liecinieki ari ka ED prot singletask fokusu..toreiz tad klapeja maisu. To var tikai zeni darit tada veida ar box domasanu..meitenu multitask maisu klapesana ir citadaka. Memory 3D infas fica ar 3D koordinatem darbojas ja skeptiki saubas.
Ir iespejamiba ka ED berniba speciali vai nespeciali "izrubija" vai 'ar nazi' sadura kautkur vai tml. un tapec aplauzas un tapec grib(eja) noslept no C.S.I. ..
It makes sense..(Team) Knight Rider can also be refilmed introducing also vehicles with other Lantern Corp colo(u)rs aka blue(trust) , green(will), oran(d)ge(greed), black(death), white(life), pink(friendship or mercy?) and|or similar scanners, similar. KARR and KITT represented probably vehicles of fear and risk.. Therefore it is possible.

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