Par padomju laika domasanu un ne tikai....

Aizsāka EmpatisksCilveks 

Laurenas podskazkas bija patiesas.
ED nenodeva. ED meginaja uztaisit par nodeveju tie kuri patiesiba nodeva.
Aferas slepsana..
But if lack of conflict makes few powerless then that is not what God of Truth is but God of Conflict|similar..unless lack of lies make Gods of Truth appears fuel system works both ways..Gods of Justice probably need inJustice fueling to counter it..ratio system..
Therefore God of Chaos probably lack need to channel in system of Order.
Truth is everywhere at all timesanddates so actual God(des)s of Truth should not become weak at all. It makes no sense, unless there is only 1 real truth aka narrow path. Trust does not Rust.
In society of lies it would make sense that representitives, followers of truth get weaker than lie supporters.

If there is only 1 real truth system and other systems are a truth then that narrow path JC teached is that most wanted but also less noticed.

Lack of understanding context is both strength and weakness of fake God on cloud.
"A book in every home" quote about graceful actions via self restraint formula suggest there might be also Entity of Grace empowerment.

Prison planet with humans also got + and -. Population is controlled from outside and population can countercontrol from inside. Balance
Human limitations allow free will choice decisions and that is probably why they want to either keep them or get rid of them. But if humans cannot ascend to who they are not aka already are then only reincarnation, suicide ruling explain crucifixion point.
That cover picture of Unholy movie explains it: "be careful who you pray to"..multiple Entities seek worship empowerment.
Actual Allmighty would not need it.
Mondoshawan quote makes sense..users of time are egoistical therefore it explains why "Time is not important, only Life important" aka exportation of events is that purpose of Time and enforcery need to be fueled with EGO and Memories(but they need to be achieved first aka proper childhood) and values of Life counter it via 'krampis' aka purpose of resistance to nonsense lolsense.
Tur jau ta fica ka tiesi tada pasa veida ka meitenes dod davanas zeniem pec kriterijiem ari zeni dod davanas meitenem pec kriterijiem a nevis tapec ka butu kautko parada.
Musdienu paaudze biezi piemirst ka ta komfortabla dzive ar ertibam tika izcinita caur ieprieksejo paaudzu sviedriem un|vai pat asinim.
Ayesha kinda rhymes with Aisha..might need to be tested aswell..
Tie zeni(ieskaitot ED(it ipasi ED kurs piedzimis atskirigs)), kuriem patik modeliskas(ieskaitot Hiltones) meitenes, nav geji, pec tadas pasas logikas var teikt ka lezbes. Tas ir tadspats stereotips ka to talokite partneru apsmiesana nepamatoti. Par meiteni taisa vagina un par zenu taisa penis tapec ir tradicionala orientacija. Kartejais apstiprinajums ka kadiem|kadam skauz("viņas melo labāk"), E.T. fobija, u.tml.
Ieprieksminetais ir patiesiba. Atskirigi normalais ari ir normals. Tapec ED ari ir normals zens kurs bucoja meiteni pat ja atskirigi normals. Sabiedriba vienkarsi valda stereotipi. Gaume ir dazada.

Ja jau izdzesa|noslepa Iedomu Diskusijas tad skeptiki nomierinajas? ED var atsakt normali dzivot vai kartejas lamatas? ED tiesam nav memlaks bet pieteloja tadu. Rokijam bija taisniba bet krampis patsparsevi nedod iespeju podvigus realizet..sistema kura dzivo jabut ari citam iespejam.
Te kotorije terpit ludej ot raznih profesij potomu sto u nih za eto platit toze lecit nado..
Jesli ktoto|stoto hocet stobi ED im pomogal togda im nado kontak delat i obisnit.

Posle video Waiting for Bus in infu pro junkDNA kukli eto dajot smisl. ED mozet pomoc no nado infu i podgatovku.
%human boy(ED is pretending to appear as girl : playing along to figure out who benefits from that circus) ED thought about Waiting for Bus video and (unusual(including those rejections and funerals(guess fate|destiny wanted turn ED into another Batman via those tragedies and partially succeeded(ED is also not worthless))) order of events within EDs lifeline and came to conclusion that everything(Gnosticism idea is correct afterall in details) makes sense despite illusion(for example fragile world from Creator of original human Galaxy we live in exist on purpose to force people to not be lazy and arrogant; also "kukla" 'OS' for junkDNA humans is also blessing in disguise : it allows DIY experiences; etc.) of not making sense at first: therefore ED will help either Earthlings(2012) or nonEarthlings(SOS space distress signal) or both but only because this Galaxy deserves to be cared about aka planet Earth and Solar system got very rich history and further kinetic potential therefore needs to be protected. But ED needs to be briefed on mission objectives and ED is not peška. Also holiday info summary is valid.
Ofc ED is still alive. That's the point. It is not over for those who seek help from ED.
Zimjnorade "ogles" visticamakais norada vai nu uz Prata Vetru vai Feliksu Kigeli..
Aplauzas skeptiki? ED zens tiesam bucoja kojas virgin meiteni. Tapec jau radas berns kuru ED censas nosargat no 'plesonam'(ped0 u.c.). Teicu ka ED nav JC|1|M|u.tml.
Varbut tapec ari Miami laiki, CCCP laiki, Vacu laiki u.tml. attistija korektumu sabiedriba jo tad tur caur sliktumu paradija daudzko un nevajadzeja atkartoties bet musdienas ar labumu jau nesaprot. Citadak EDam nebutu nenopelnitas problemas no skeptikiem. ED bucoja ar consent kopmitnes. Parejas un parejie vai nu censas bez consent vai ari "naves bucu".
Sabiedriba laikam no alu laikmwta ar labu nesaprot tapec atceras tik caur slikto.
Neticiet EDam? Pameginiet paverot atskiribu starp to ka cilveki reage un uzvedas tikai uz labam metodem un to ka ar sliktam metodem. Atskiriba bus acimredzama un ausimdzirdama. Varbut tapec komforts boja cilvecisko faktoru.
Taksto ED podstavili|zakazali. Tapec ari C.S.I. joma nav viss.
Vispar jau millenialiem, vismaz tadiem ka ED, nav problemu stradat tikpat smagi ja veseliba lauj bet tad ari parejiem jastrada ari un jadod iespeju apgut, jo bez procesa nav rezultata, nepieciesamo sferu nevis tik jacer uz vieglu pelnu no modernas paaudzes stresa cakaresanas(ar "atrak, atrak" kudisanu) pelnas ieguves nolukos bez podgatovkas. Ipasi tas attiecas uz vatniku mentalitati parazitet uz nevatnikiem.
DIY sistema ari uztur Give&Take ratio sabiedriba. Sabiedriba ir ka planetas survivalisms kur katrs un katra iegulda savu darbu un kopa gust nodarbosanas labumu no citu darba un ari atseviski. Tapec nevis Millenials paaudze ir problema bet nakosas paaudzes kas aiz savam iluzijam par ipasakumu sak neuzturet Take&Give ratio sabiedriba bet parazitet uz cita rekina. Tapec skaidroju ka ED sakarigs un neko neparprata. Cilveki ir tadas butnes kas pie labas dzives par daudz pierod uzskatot ro par ikdienu bet par sliktu dzivi par daudz sudzas nedomajot par to citatu ka nav koki un var mainit caur DIY. Tacu darba tirgus pardoze ar stresu. Cilveku kermenis nav vel pielagojies stresam. Tapec rodas visadi adrenal fatigue u.c. kaites.
to* Tapec brivdienu infa korekta pat ja detalas japieslipe.

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