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Aizsāka EmpatisksCilveks 

Paris Hilton cannot do what Jesus (Christ) can do so much better.

Even "česnij sadist" is afraid of Jesus (Christ).
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Titanic 2 needs to happen.
> This planet needs to rehab beLIEf system..

(Bio)Atlantis was,is,will_be good,great idea and A Book In Every Home also teach that it is possible to achieve BioSociety.
but But BUT
ED cannot achieve BioWorld alone. ED need teamwork.
Aliment payments! Why?
If (virgin) team girl hid scion from boy ED then ED not have to pay any aliments : ED was not aware about scion and when was aware got into situational crossroads: ED still learns how to be healthy parent.
If (virgin) team girl not want boy ED to visit that child or be visited by that child then why would ED pay aliments?
If (virgin) team girl knew that boy ED would struggle to sustain child yet kissed ED anyway then ED not have to pay.
If (virgin) team girl wants to kiss boy ED then stop playing dating games with ED.

Also that child needs to be protected from ped0s and rap1sts. When ED was kid someone(s) tried to do something with ED aswell.

It is possible for similar reason someone from team wanted to give ED "kiss of death".
Vladimir Lenin quotes were valid,correct aswell, but only few,some from population will understand why..ED understands but society needs to relearn Bio factor..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> (Bio)Atlantis was,is,will_be good,great idea and A
> Book In Every Home also teach that it is possible
> to achieve BioSociety.
> but But BUT
> ED cannot achieve BioWorld alone. ED need
> teamwork.

This is nowaday problem : society is not perfect and lack Bio factor but expect citizens to be perfect and etc...
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Vladimir Lenin quotes were valid,correct aswell,
> but only few,some from population will understand
> why..ED understands but society needs to relearn
> Bio factor..

Socialism,Communism,Capitalism,more might need to merge,unite into Unity,Collectivism:
New World Order is okey idea because (non)humans live on same planet Earth and therefore same basic system apply to everyone and it is easier to travel etc.; at a basic level everyone is same: both humans and nonhumans require food,drink,shelter,care,etc.
Old World Order is okey idea because (non)humans do not only survive nonBIASed but also live, but living on planet Earth is BIASed; everyone got different habits of how they enjoy planet Earth and specific society
Therefore New World Order need to include Old World Order to succeed
Bio World Order is that (Bio)Atlantis reality idea
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> This is nowaday problem : society is not perfect
> and lack Bio factor but expect citizens to be
> perfect and etc...

Another problem is society's attitude towards boy ED who kissed team girl:
# if ED was human then Team chicaned ED due to human limitations
# if ED is halfhuman|demigod then Team also chicanes ED due to human limitations
# if ED would be Pagan then Team would threaten ED with PaganBOMBs
# if ED would be nonhuman then Team would abuse|misuse ED due to nonhuman limitations and greed,more
* how come society is not satisfied regardless of possibilities? ED already explained that ED is not responsible for Lauren podskazka AZsecretsandlies and ED is not responsible for Fallen movies
ED was nice to Team but ED was not nice to ED.
Why is it considered crime,sin?!.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Therefore Rocky speech was correct and whoever
> wants ED to take blamehit for framery|set up is
> coward.

Someone with oldish hair..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Balance is real:
> ° light of truth
> ° shade of lie
> beLIEf probably is needed to fix planet Earth..

That would also explain:
# "viņas melo labāk"
# "viņi melo biežāk"
# Lao Ma quotes
# purpose of DIY and point of CoDIY
# countryballs Germany
# Ukraine,Taiwan
* more
If God,Goddess did not want problems for not only ED then Devil,Satan did want problems for not only ED?

Home Alone? 28 stab wounds? "i don't scare easily"?

"jesli pojavisja v Rige togda budet problemi"?
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Taksto Robcikam ir javakte AunZarsecretsandlies..

Ghost Rider Robim&Sarai ir ari jaiemacas konfliktus risinat bez parspiletas Spirit of Vengeance izmantosanas un ka kadreiz pasa&pasas spekiem..

p.s.It is not Over.
FBI or|and counterterrorist organisation need to monitor that dude with murderkill fetish from "Hunt to Kill"(2010) movie.
ED dunno why Lyssa Drak fights Soraniku during 21st century but:
# if Lyssa Drak want to succeed fighting Soraniku then Lyssa Drak need to stop supporting arrogance during 1vs1 and focus on fight itself
# if "Upside Down"(2012) movie is correct then Lyssa Drak need to find whoever was,is also interested and will got partner to counter Soraniku and Sinestro at same time
# Lyssa Drak can also befriend any mythology Pagan pantheon so that they can teach valuable Teacher lessons
# Lyssa Drak can train some (non)Earthling fighter,champion
# Lyssa Drak can also do what Lyssa Drak avoids to do : become parent: parent status boost Morale
* more advices
Sinestro is bit corrupt from Fear factor and therefore Soraniku also might be.
China,Japan should consider democracy sideffects on people : ED suspects nowadays weak people prey on strong people as Balance for history when strong people preyed on weak people.

If Germany will do anything to make things correct again then germans should try BioZeitgeist project: it requires research years, including about (Co)DIY interactions.
"The best way to convince anyone of anything is to get them to convince themselves."
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> "The best way to convince anyone of anything is to
> get them to convince themselves."

Could be why trolling exist..
ED is depressed boy who kissed (virgin) team girl.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> "The best way to convince anyone of anything is to
> get them to convince themselves."

Team wants to know truth? ED was collateral damage! ED is not responsible for Fallen movies.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Sinestro is bit corrupt from Fear factor and
> therefore Soraniku also might be.

Just as Adolf Hitler was wrong about obstacles..obstacles are needed but only few|some will get memo why.
Only obstacles allow further (spiritual) evolution.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Vladimir Lenin quotes were valid,correct aswell,
> but only few,some from population will understand
> why..ED understands but society needs to relearn
> Bio factor..

Kahlil Gibran quotes were correct,valid aswell. Khalil Gibran also explained that ????➡????.
Those nonhumans lack (Co)DIY experiences and that is why only humans get memo.
It is possible that junkDNAers need to share planet Earth with nonjunkDNAers so that they can learn country,city context and (co)diy interaction context.
It is more than possible that those nonhumans need to suffer,struggle just as humans did during history : then they will be humbled and not fight each other as kindergarden.
Sinestro,Soraniku are aliens and therefore it might take alien to Balance, for example Anuel,Than(at)os,Gorr,more. Someone need to teach Sinestro that police is criminal without (Co)DIY context.
After years of psychology research conclusion is simple: both heroes and villans are needed.
Lucifer was wrong about how to achieve healthy society. People do not learn from opposite but people learn from mixture.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> "The best way to convince anyone of anything is to
> get them to convince themselves."

(countryballs Germany country) video was correct afterall : people will only stop supporting wars when they will acquire selfmotivation to start supporting Peace.

Oh and Lauren podskazka AZsecretsandlies still suggests that:
# Lauren needs to be monitored
# A needs to be monitored
# Z needs to be monitored
# parent(s) of AZ need to be monitored
# parent(s) of Lauren need to be monitored
* more obviousities
They still behave suspicious near ED. Either they want ED to take blamehit or paranoia or otherwise but ED is not responsible. ED was just kid.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Therefore Rocky speech was correct and whoever
> wants ED to take blamehit for framery|set up is
> coward.

ED toreiz berniba nemuka no godigas cinas bet izvairijas no negodigas cinas. +_-

Taksto komanda svoih obizajet. -_+
Un joprojam ir negodiga cina..tapec ari ED ir piesardzigs; bet ED netaisija komandai problemas: ED mekle risinajumus.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Tetsu Trudge, from YuGiOh! 5D, got Mina motive to help ED now..

ED was trying to protect Mina btw., but sometimes illusion of betrayal is needed: gender|sex differences.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -
> > Tetsu Trudge, from YuGiOh! 5D, got Mina motive
> to help ED now..
> ED was trying to protect Mina btw., but sometimes
> illusion of betrayal is needed: gender|sex
> differences.

ED reached point where ED cannot help specific team member(esse)s alone anymore and ED also needs help to help those team member(esse)s further. That is why ED is rehabing. Sometimes one boy can make difference and sometimes one boy cannot make difference. But ED is normal dude.
Murgo tālāk, jukušais.
virve Rakstīja:
> Murgo tālāk, jukušais.

Jukusais? Par Einsteinu ari kadreiz smejas..uzskatija ka cita egle; bet no psihologijas viedokla: man ir taisniba,patiesiba par iedzivotaju uzvedibu.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "The best way to convince anyone of anything is
> to
> > get them to convince themselves."
> Team wants to know truth? ED was collateral
> damage! ED is not responsible for Fallen movies.

Message to Hitman: "i have seen consequences and felt cost", but 'have you tried to understand why those events happened to you' and 'have you tried to truly understand that you could've chosen to respond differently'?
ED understood context but you might want to understand context aswell.
Everything happened for a|the reason and most history pain was selfinflicted: don't blame Pagans for your(!) choices(you did not have to fight then aswell).
Same story for Gorr&Co, but that story might contain solution to Topia problem: suffering,struggle unites people and then Distopia will become Utopia or Protopia.
BioAtlantis is possible, but without process there won't be result.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Sinestro is bit corrupt from Fear factor and
> > therefore Soraniku also might be.
> Just as Adolf Hitler was wrong about
> obstacles..obstacles are needed but only few|some
> will get memo why.
> Only obstacles allow further (spiritual)
> evolution.

That is why Lyssa Drak might need to team up with Lex..

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