Par padomju laika domasanu un ne tikai....

Aizsāka EmpatisksCilveks 

matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Sinestro and Soraniku lack understanding of
> > context : therefore they are stupid or corrupt.
> Any cop who wants to be part of police need to
> suffer because of criminal activity and do
> everyday routine chores so that they understand
> (co)diy interaction context.

But who would be interested to humble LanternCorp members? It takes someone with experience to be able to achieve something to them..
If Than(at)os have changed then Than(at)os might be able to humble lanterns..
If Gorr have changed then Gorr might be able to humble lanterns..
If Anuel goes against mainstream bandwagon flow then Anuel might be able to to humble lanterns..
That is not normal that lanterns,reptilians,more use fear strategy,tactics against civilians without obstacle opponents. They not learn Balance.
Those nonhumans,nonjunkdnaers are also wrong often about how (non)Earthling society operates and not only humans,junkdnaers.
They also need to swallow Reality Pill alongside Chill Pill.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> So what will Team member(esse)s choose:
> fun&friendship&adventure or
> boredom&throne&dumbwaystodie?!. ????????

This is also why 'Deity' operates via "mysterious ways": Most people don't really want the truth......most people want only their y&x whims satisfied.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Adolf Hitler was noob.

Adolf Hitler lack scion : then Hitler will be obstacle as parent for scion and then what will Adolf say?
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -
> > Adolf Hitler was noob.
> Adolf Hitler lack scion : then Hitler will be
> obstacle as parent for scion and then what will
> Adolf say?

People tend to judge other people without walking in their shoes.
Long story short:
# Adolf Hitler was wrong about society
# Than(at)os parent(s) might have been wrong about Than(at)os
# Gorr was wrong about Pagans
# Napaleon might have been wrong aswell
* more observations
Paris Hilton from The Simple Life got consent even if A Complex Life ...
Since Team will prevent(kinda not fair but whatever: guess "fighting as kindergarden" era gets suspended until needed again) ED from having oldschool fun then conclusions are newschool fun:
# ancient society, for example Atlantis,Lemuria, revival but properly
# Zeitgeist society happening with technology
# achieving BioSocieties on planet Earth
# Mars society and|or Venus society
# Moon society
# mixing science with religion : God(dess)|Allah is a|the Girl|Boy
* might be more
But it is not Over. ED is boy.
BTW: ????➡???? apply to both humans and nonhumans.
But planet Earth need to be protected as long as possible.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Lex will explain to Lyssa better why Fear is not
> effective when it comes to society control and
> therefore Sinestro&Soraniku were delussional to
> use it against civilians.

Also Lex Luthor might be able to help cure Lyssa Drak from that selfachieved madness..but..Astarte also got madness..
If 21st century people do not want light of truth then 21st century people will get shade of lie....kinda makes sense: The Truth always comes with A Price that only small amount of people are willing to pay..
..Trust does not Rust.
BTW: ED is not JC|1|M|etc. : EDs parent was someone from Team.

So much for Wictory dance.

matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Taksto komanda mani sodit un likvidet
> nevar,nedrikst.
Lifeplay without conflicts is possible but society need to want living without conflicts.

Ukraine,Taiwan is proofevidence that people still not ready.

ED cannot achieve BioSociety alone. Teamwork is needed.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Lex will explain to Lyssa better why Fear is
> not
> > effective when it comes to society control and
> > therefore Sinestro&Soraniku were delussional to
> > use it against civilians.
> Also Lex Luthor might be able to help cure Lyssa
> Drak from that selfachieved madness..but..Astarte
> also got madness..

Despite Hitler&Co&Napaleon propoganda: Actual further (spiritual) evolutionary growth requires obstacle suffering,struggle experiences and suffering,struggle experiences lead to lasting happiness..that is also why nonhumans, including Anuel,Gorr,Than(at)os,more, were wrong about humans..

Only (Co)DIY system forever rewards.
Planet Earth got 7 continents at the moment : it might be time for humans to share territory with nonhumans.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Planet Earth got 7 continents at the moment : it
> might be time for humans to share territory with
> nonhumans.

Otherwise those aliens might never learn truth and lie difference : without processes there are no results.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Otherwise those aliens might never learn truth and
> lie difference : without processes there are no
> results.

Those aliens lack lessons about humble: if aliens also want healthy alien society then aliens also need to suffer and struggle and sweat and trial&error experiment; just as nonaliens did during history.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Since Team will prevent(kinda not fair but
> whatever: guess "fighting as kindergarden" era
> gets suspended until needed again) ED from having
> oldschool fun then conclusions are newschool fun:
> # ancient society, for example Atlantis,Lemuria,
> revival but properly
> # Zeitgeist society happening with technology
> # achieving BioSocieties on planet Earth
> # Mars society and|or Venus society
> # Moon society
> # mixing science with religion : God(dess)|Allah
> is a|the Girl|Boy
> * might be more
> But it is not Over. ED is boy.

In that case Team need to achieve (non)lethal planetary event(s) that will reunite people to do great,good and and not evil,bad : countryballs Germany message is correct,valid; but people need to be able to compare.
Even (countryballs Germany country) experienced war process that led to transforming towards peace.

Therefore currently 2 metods to achieve actual Balance:
1 ????➡????experiencing difference
2 Saved by the Bell proper education
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Those nonhumans,nonjunkdnaers are also wrong often
> about how (non)Earthling society operates and not
> only humans,junkdnaers.
> They also need to swallow Reality Pill alongside
> Chill Pill.

There is no Us vs Them but Us & Them. If (non)Earthlings want BioSociety then teamwork is needed.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Those nonhumans,nonjunkdnaers are also wrong
> often
> > about how (non)Earthling society operates and
> not
> > only humans,junkdnaers.
> > They also need to swallow Reality Pill
> alongside
> > Chill Pill.
> There is no Us vs Them but Us & Them. If
> (non)Earthlings want BioSociety then teamwork is
> needed.

Otherwise lifeplay is still Sandbox with Kids.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -
> > > Tetsu Trudge, from YuGiOh! 5D, got Mina
> motive
> > to help ED now..
> >
> > ED was trying to protect Mina btw., but
> sometimes
> > illusion of betrayal is needed: gender|sex
> > differences.
> ED reached point where ED cannot help specific
> team member(esse)s alone anymore and ED also needs
> help to help those team member(esse)s further.
> That is why ED is rehabing. Sometimes one boy can
> make difference and sometimes one boy cannot make
> difference. But ED is normal dude.

ED dunno what to do but ED was trying to help Paris Hilton..
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Paris Hilton cannot (yet) do what family does so
> much better..

While chat about family: both parents are important and both grandparents are important; dunno why Team not enjoy caring about both.

ED is not JC|1|M|etc. ED is "tot samij malcik" who experienced 'beres'.
ED for example cared about both Rhea and (dunno proper spelling: Cronos or Kronos ?), kids are not BIASed.


If people truly suffer,struggle then they truly understand this world : Knowledge is not Wisdom.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> If people truly suffer,struggle then they truly
> understand this world : Knowledge is not Wisdom.

This is something not simple to explain to visitors of planet Earth.
ED is boy.
Wisdom requires suffering,struggle from Knowledge.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> --
> > If people truly suffer,struggle then they truly
> > understand this world : Knowledge is not
> Wisdom.
> This is something not simple to explain to
> visitors of planet Earth.
> but
> ED is boy.

Therefore if A Team want to understand planet Earth then A Team also need to suffer,struggle.
matrix 4 Rakstīja:
> Wisdom requires suffering,struggle from Knowledge.

Obstacles exist to learn from them without breaking them.

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