Par padomju laika domasanu un ne tikai....

Aizsāka EmpatisksCilveks 

matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> ----------------------------------------------
> > Gorr also avoided public shame..
> Bullies use brute force habits and therefore only
> counterbullying can help them regain sanity..

Therefore it is possible that Putin&Co also sick with (avoidance to blame self) disease..
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> ------------------------------------------
> > 21st Century should only allow wars that do not
> > pollute planet..
> #stopthewar makes sense now?!

if Ukraine "conflict" pollutes planet then both Putin and Zelensky responsible..
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> Blin. Iedzivotaji jau negrib
> parmainas..BioSabiedribas var nakties ieviest ar
> varu..

Sad or funny, but true..
"Latvijas ārlietu ministrs Krišjānis Kariņš ir pieņēmis lēmumu pasludināt vienu krievijas vēstniecības diplomātu par valstij nevēlamu personu jeb persona non grata, pamatojoties uz krievijas vēstniecības ilgstoši īstenoto nepieņemamo un provokatīvo publisko komunikāciju. Šim krievijas diplomātam Latvija jāpamet līdz 10. aprīļa dienas beigām. Burvīgi. Vismaz vienu labu darbu Kariņš tomēr būs paveicis. Tomēr rodas jautājums. Kāpēc Latvijā joprojām atrodas fašistiskās krievijas vēstniecība? Kariņš paliktu tautas atmiņā ar pamanāmu pluszīmi, ja izmēztu šo čūsku midzeni. Varbūt pirms demisijas vēl var to paspēt?
- Elita Veidemane"

Elita Veidemane joprojam neko nesajedz no kara temam..

Tapec ari iespejams vajag (mgtow un feminism): meitenes par daudz 'muld' par zeniem un zeni par daudz 'muld' par meitenem..

Balansam ir jabut.
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> ----------------------------------------------
> > what if (entering or exiting) Matrix requires
> > collective (beLIEf fuel beLIEving)
> So you see, Kratos: don't hurt those who can help
> you..but help is two way street aswell..

, but
story about money
Freja or Anunnaki
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> , but
> story about money
> suggest
> Freja or Anunnaki

as parent(s) of boy ED
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> Consider this, Cypher: what if Oracle showed you
> the Truth and not The Truth, even if was not a
> Truth or A Truth ?

What if people are not people?! What if deceivers were counterdeceived, etc.?!
stop trying to chicane boy ED..
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> Only LIE produces fuel, but lying society can
> still be just..

Just society requires honor.
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> Proofevidence that CCCP was not problem but USSR
> was solution : but only for those countries who
> lacked it.
> People do not get memos about taking care of
> planet until SHTF..

Long story short: if Putin wants CCCP 2.0 then those countries who did not experience USSR 1.0 need to get CCCP..,
exsoviet countries need to avoid Putin&Co whims..
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> Long story short: if Putin wants CCCP 2.0 then
> those countries who did not experience USSR 1.0
> need to get CCCP..,
> but
> exsoviet countries need to avoid Putin&Co whims..

For example : China..Africa..
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> ------------------------------------------------
> > , but
> > story about money
> > suggest
> > Freja or Anunnaki
> as parent(s) of boy ED

boy ED is not responsible for actions from parent(s) of boy ED
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> boy ED is not responsible for actions of
> parent(s) of boy ED

A if boy ED is Anunnaki relative then Lauren podskazka AZsecretsandlies makes more sense
B if boy ED is (gypsy or otherwise) then Balance is reneeded
C if boy ED is relative to (Freja or Cypher) then Team is using boy ED as revenge punchingbag to chicane
D dunno if more
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Only LIE produces fuel, but lying society can
> > still be just..
> Just society requires honor.

So you see, Putin&Co: war got (rules or laws) aswell..
Putin or Zelensky or Lukashenko could be collateral damage aswell..
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Only LIE produces fuel, but lying society can
> > still be just..
> Just society requires honor.

zenu ED podstavili vai zakazali vai zagovarivajet
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> So you see, Putin&Co: war got (rules or laws)
> aswell..

if Russia can "retake" Crimea etc. then (some country) can "retake" Kaliningrad etc.
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> ----------------------------------------------
> > So you see, Putin&Co: war got (rules or laws)
> > aswell..
> if Russia can "retake" Crimea etc. then (some
> country) can "retake" Kaliningrad etc.

imperialistic president(s) can be countered with counterimperialistic president(s)
Long story short: if Russia will succeed at Ukraine then not for long; Putin tripslipped just as Hitler and Gorr did..
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> Long story short: if Russia will succeed at
> Ukraine then not for long; Putin tripslipped just
> as Hitler and Gorr did..

Putins negribeja darit ka Peteris 3ais un tapec Peteris 1ais variants prasa iesaistit visu armiju, bet tad krieviem bus kirdikt no parejam valstim..

matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> Long story short: if Russia will succeed at
> Ukraine then not for long; Putin tripslipped just
> as Hitler and Gorr did..

Sinestro was correct about Putin : Putin = cowardly
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> Just society requires honor.

For example:
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> -----------------------------------------------
> > Blin. Iedzivotaji jau negrib
> > parmainas..BioSabiedribas var nakties ieviest
> ar
> > varu..
> Sad or funny, but true..

Ar varu sanak atrak nevis velak..
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Only LIE produces fuel, but lying society can
> > still be just..
> Just society requires honor.

"Government to be lasting will have to be just."
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> imperialistic president(s) can be countered with
> counterimperialistic president(s)

But imperials need to get memos:
# Putin need to understand that lethal warfare empire(s) will produce counterempire(s); only nonlethal warfare empire(s) make people (happy, sane) and planet healthy(not polluted)
# if Ukraine fights Russia then Russia and Ukraine were not friends
# if Ukraine conflict is because of China then Russia tripslipped
# if Ukraine conflict is because of Crimea then Germany also can "retake" Kaliningrad
* more obviousities
Muahahahihi..krievvalodigie negrib dalbajobus kaiminus bet pasi uzvedas ka kaimini dalbajobi..liktena ironija. ????????
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> "Government to be lasting will have to be just."

"Using fear to try and teach our dogs to respect us is never going to work. Instead, concentrate on creating a home that provides everything your dog needs to feel safe and happy — by meeting their emotional, physical, and intellectual needs."
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> Muahahahihi..krievvalodigie negrib dalbajobus
> kaiminus bet pasi uzvedas ka kaimini
> dalbajobi..liktena ironija. ????????

"“Lielākā daļa tāda veida impērijas beidzās pēc Pirmā Pasaules kara. Šī impērija kaut kā ieguva otru dvašu ar Ļeņinu un vēl kaut kādām jocīgām idejām, un pastāvēja simts gadus ilgāk, nekā viņai vajadzēja. Un tagad ir pienācis tas brīdis, kad tā [Krievija] mirst. Vai tā paspēs vēl kādu sakost, to mēs nezinām. Un tas ir atkarīgs no Rietumiem,” norādīja Mičerevskis."
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> # Putin need to understand that lethal warfare
> empire(s) will produce counterempire(s); only
> nonlethal warfare empire(s) make people (happy,
> sane) and planet healthy(not polluted)

Nonlethal empires = mixture of Paradise(?) Matrix and Nightmare(Hell?) Matrix

Long story short: Protopia is not Utopia and not Dystopia; Heaven is a place on planet.
matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > matrix 4y Rakstīja:
> > ----------------------------------------------
> > > So you see, Putin&Co: war got (rules or laws)
> > > aswell..
> >
> > if Russia can "retake" Crimea etc. then (some
> > country) can "retake" Kaliningrad etc.
> imperialistic president(s) can be countered with
> counterimperialistic president(s)

Problem with population and A Team:
# Lyssa Drak and BMW team
# Sinestro and Soraniku
# Gorr
# Than(at)os
# Darkseid
# Superman and Supergirl
* more
:is that people and A Team know what justice is, but not understand what justice is

Long story short: if Lyssa Drak want Sinestro to be "greatest" then Lyssa Drak need to learn what mafia is about..
Mafia teaches karma(h) and karma(h) is very good as teacher..

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