Par padomju laika domasanu un ne tikai....

Aizsāka EmpatisksCilveks 

but But BUT

If Independence Day is valid,correct movie then both Peace and War need to exist.
Logic AND Common sense.

Silicone tree remains suggest that either (non)Earthlings live in Ancient SIM world or can live in Ancient SIM world.

Human actual behaviour,intentions is,are tested during conflicts,discomfort and not sofaexperty,comfort. Similar to how characters advance aka level up in (audiovideo)games.
If EDs suspicion is correct,valid then junkDNAers are tested for some specific mission.
But to be tested, cause Someones Watching Over Me songs exist, they need to be preparedtrained.
For example: ED.L built Coral castle as proofevidence of (Co)DIYer status worth.
For example: Xena was bloodthirsty "criminal" : yet was given 'power to kill Gods'.

Without process there is no result.
ED suspects either Moon 1.0 or Earth could be that Ancient Alien (time bomb) construction.
ED suspects Rhea was either punished or switched places with Chronos|Kronos|Atlas...during that overthrow era Zeus did not got support of Metis|Mepis.
To var parbaudit Dr. House : ka reage sievietes kermenis uz nonstop slodzi un ka reage viriesu kermenis uz nonstop slodzi.
Also monitored|controlled Prison Break might be needed if Conflict nr.3 or|and weather Event.
Tad tapec ED nedrikst pabeigt to teiku un stastu? Sanak ka Rīga nedrikst but gatava(nedrikst but viss) ir ari kautkas lidzigs Tinānikam kas grims aiz neuzmanibas?

bet Bet BET

Rīgu var uzbuvet no jauna, parvietot, atgriezt, aizvietot.

Ka ari Defenders of Nature skan korekti. Varbut ta granatas podskazka uz to ari aicina.
atgriezt vai atgriest? iespejams typo

Znacit tas briesmas iespejams ir del tas vienosanas.
Sanak ka kads gars EDam 22 gadus no 2000. gada prasija vai Rīga gatava? Rīga vēl nav gatava.
Blin. Sanak ka EDu psihologiski bombardeja kautkads gars kas jautaja vai Rīga gatava? Tacu ED nezinaja un tapec iemiga toreiz bet del apstaklu sakritibas Rigai var tapat nakties evakueties.
Vatņikiem gan jau bija|ir izdevigi ka Rīga var slīkt|grimt.
Krievijas valsts pati vainīga vai|un vatņiki paši vainīgi ka nedod atvaļinājumus iedzīvotājiem. Cilvēki nevar katru diennakti 'strādāt'. Tas noved pie burnout un perebor.
Gadijuma ja kas (ne)notiks ar Rīgu neskatoties uz to ka nav gatava vel tad gars|gari parprata joprojam dzivo ED del ta ka mirusi.
Defenders of Riga ????
Ja krievi uzskata citu valstu, piem. bijusas padomijas, iedzivotajus par kalpiem tad Ukraina ir karma par to un sadarbiba ar Kinu neizbegama.
Ja amerikani,vaciesi ari uzskata citu valstu iedzivotajus par izsutamajiem tad ar agrak vai velak bus karma.
But if americans and germans are doing same then it makes sense why russians try to achieve counteralliance with or without ukrainians.
Once more Baltic people are thrown inbetween and in need of another revolution.
Baltic countries need someone as Rhea and|or Captain Planet.
After folk story save of Rīga : latvians,lithuanians,estonians might need to protect their respective Freedom monuments about independence.
But that is also why Baltic people understand C(ontext).
Neverending story.
Nowaday society also need to deal with stress overload sideeffects or|and prevent them.
If dementia also involved then Deimos and|or Strife involved. They probably thought ED is not (%)adopted|seperated.
Didn't Xena kill Strife and|or Deimos during Twilight of Gods with 'power to kill Gods'? Dahak'ism,etc.?
What if Kratos or someone else from that era is relative of Kronus|Chronos|similar or|and Rhea? After that 'stone eating' there probably was "timery" consequences.
More proofevidence about Balance : russians need to learn fair fight but nonrussians might need to learn unfair fight.

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