Interesants tests

Aizsāka mellene 

Interesants tests
28.02.2006 11:13
Ziòojums rediìçts (28-02-2006 11:14)

mazliet vçlâk bûs:)

Ziòojums rediìçts (28-02-2006 11:18)
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 13:42
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 14:05
Interesants :)
Your Brain Usage Profile:

Auditory : 60%
Visual : 40%
Left : 66%
Right : 33%
Vaj cik smuki izklausâs:
This overall combination seems to indicate a well-working blend of logic and judgment and organization, with sufficient intuition, perception and creativity to balance that dominance.

Ziòojums rediìçts (28-02-2006 14:12)
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 14:20
Interesanti ir tas, ka ðo testu izpildot otru reizi, daþi jautâjumi atðíiras, bet procentuâli ir lîdzîgi ar iepriekðçjo.

My Brain Usage Profile:

Auditory : 47%
Visual : 52%
Left : 42%
Right : 57%
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 14:36
SUPER! :))
man riktiigi patika!!!

Your Brain Usage Profile:

Auditory : 52%
Visual : 47%
Left : 40%
Right : 60%

Laila, you are moderately right-hemisphere dominant and have even preferences between auditory and visual processing, traits that might make people perceive you as "slightly off balance."

You are most likely to be slightly disorganized, a "dreamer" and a person who focuses more on the end result than the immediate task at hand. You are creative and spontaneous if somewhat lacking in direction and focus. You are a learner who is generally patient and a person for whom time is an ally, not an enemy.

You are more passionate than most people with regard to life and learning and recognize your own intuitive abilities. You have sufficient goal-direction to satisfy yourself and guarantee success without being or feeling driven. You are willing to be reflective about yourself and others without getting lost in rumination.

The balance of your sensory modes allows for both learning and expressive capabilities achieved by few. You are active and "seeing" while retaining an equally strong propensity for being reflective which slows you down a little but allows for a more comprehensive perception and analysis of situations and problems. You do not spend excessive time analyzing since you mostly trust your perceptions.

In all likelihood, you have a tendency to overcommit and cannot understand why others get upset since you operate on a different "time table" than they do. Your organizational abilities are frequently overwhelmed by the stimulation seeking and active nature of your mind as well as by the tendency to create new categories and gloss over details, making categorization and classification almost impossible at times.

To the extent that your career path allows for creativity and abstraction as well as a bit of disorganization, you should find yourself equipped to handle any learning that is required. Your own personal adjustment to your style should come naturally although you are likely to feel frustrated by your own limited discipline and often wonder "Why?"

traki, bet viss ir pareizi... :))
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 14:40
So, pluume-Laila do you often wonder "Why"? ;)

Bet.. man tajâ "iespçjamo profesiju" saraxtâ precîzi ietrâpîts vietâ, kurâ strâdâju :D
Laila Rezepova
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 15:55
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 16:30
jaa bet kaads no tâ îpaðs labums, ka tev pasaka to, ko tu jau zini?
un turklât ja tie cipari bûtu citâdâki, vai no tâ labâk / slikâk paliktu :) :)

Your Brain Usage Profile:

Auditory : 47%
Visual : 52%
Left : 70%
Right : 29%

No matter which side of your brain is dominant,
M i n d W a r e
can strengthen your emotional brain power by helping you understand how
you feel about yourself.

?? kâpçc citiem ir gari teksti, bet man tik îss'?
un es neesmu vizualais tips,
un rezultatus noteikti ietekmeja tas, ka daþus vârdus es meklçju ar vârdnîcu.
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 16:33
jeb viòi apgalvo, ka es esmu traka, un tâdçï lai es no viòiem pçrku programmu ar nosaukumu Mindware?
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 16:41
Vajadzeeja veel klikshkjinaat View summary, tad dabuutu to garo textu.
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 16:44
es klikðíinâju view summary, viòi piedâvâja man sâkt testu no gala! ierakstit vardu un atbildet tos paðus jautajumus!
izrâdâs, man emocionâlais brain powers nepietiek, vai, vai, ko lai tagad daru!
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 16:47
interesantas lietas uzzinaaju par sevi,

traki traki:) izraadaas left man vairaal kaa right! Liidz shim domaaju, ka esmu labaas hemisfeeras dominances iipshniece...:)
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 17:22
Hehe, Plûme, man ir tieði tas pats teksts, kas tev. Nu bet rezultâti jau arî ir lîdzîgi:)
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 17:28
Auditorija korale ar kreiso puslodi un vizualais ar labo ;))) Luk kas sanaca kad meginaju izpildit testu 2reiz:
You exhibit an even balance between left- and right- hemisphere dominance and a slight preference for visual over auditory processing. With a score this balanced, it is likely that you would have slightly different results each time you complete this self-assessment quiz.
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 17:34
Your Brain Usage Profile:

Auditory : 52%
Visual : 47%
Left : 50%
Right : 50%

No matter which side of your brain is dominant,
M i n d W a r e
can strengthen your emotional brain power by helping you understand how
you feel about yourself.
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 17:45
Your Brain Usage Profile:

Auditory : 60%
Visual : 40%
Left : 47%
Right : 52%

No matter which side of your brain is dominant,
M i n d W a r e
can strengthen your emotional brain power by helping you understand how
you feel about yourself.
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 17:49
paklausiju klatesosos un izpildiju testu velreiz. lielaka dala jautajumu atskiiraas. rezultats tas pats, tikai ar citiem cipariem.

Your Brain Usage Profile:

Auditory : 47%
Visual : 52%
Left : 60%
Right : 40%

No matter which side of your brain is dominant,
M i n d W a r e
can strengthen your emotional brain power by helping you understand how
you feel about yourself.

vobðèem mçs ar expollo esam neriktîgas, un bez mindware ar mums ir cauri :)
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 19:47
Your Brain Usage Profile:
Auditory : 37%
Visual : 62%
Left : 58%
Right : 41%
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 21:06

Your Brain Usage Profile:

Auditory : 62%
Visual : 37%
Left : 66%
Right : 33%

Trakoti lîdzîgi Noellai. Izskatâs, ka arî viòai prieku sagâdâ iedziïinâties lietas bûtîbâ. (Sprieþot pçc mûsu diskusijas)
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 22:38
Your Brain Usage Profile:
Auditory : 40%
Visual : 60%
Left : 70%
Right : 29%
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 22:57
mellene - neesi kreile? :)
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 23:00
Izgaaju 2x.
Galiigi atskiriigi rezultaati:
1- logisks cilveeks, kreisaa puslode. Tikai vajadzeetu kadreiz arii abstrakti padomat, bla bla bla+ patiik sistematizeet
2- dominee labaa puslode ar visaam izrietoshaam sekaam:)
Vieniigi abos variantos Visual bija liels.
Taa kaa..... Man zuda ticamiiba:)
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 23:06
Es arii izgaaju 2 reizes un man ari sanaca galigi atskirigi:)
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 23:13
Plûme, neesmu kreile:)
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 23:14
a es izgaaju 3x un man visu laiku sanaaca loti liidziigi :))
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 23:15
Malacis. Man pat kaadi 3 vai 4 jaut.bija vienaadi,bet gala rezultaats totaali atskiriigs:) Taa kaa= diez vai tur ir dziljaa jeega
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 23:19
Pirmâs divas man bija lîzîgas, 3. atðíîrâs.
Re: Interesants tests
28.02.2006 23:20
Jeega ir visam, vajag tikai ticet:)
Re: Interesants tests
01.03.2006 08:28
Auditory : 46%
Visual : 53%
Left : 53%
Right : 46%
Kâ tur îsti bija ar tâm puslodçm - kura îsti par ko bija noteicoðâ? Ja neviena nav dominçjoðâ, tad ko tas nozîmç - racionâls cilvçks, vai? (Slinkums paðam meklçt informâciju, tâdçï uzbâþos jums, kas visu zina).
Re: Interesants tests
01.03.2006 13:55
Heh, es kreilis esmu a man
Kreisâ puslode spçcîgâka esot.

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