kapec cilveki raud?

Aizsāka besk 

kapec cilveki raud?
29.04.2006 18:03
bçdu vai vilðanâs gadîjumos daudzi cilvçki raud. pat ja viòi cenðas to novçrst, tomçr lûpas sâk rausîties, asaras tecçt.
cilvçki kaut kâ esot izveidojuði daþâdus uzvedîbas modeïus. lîdzîgâs situâcijâs daþi ârdâs, daþi raud, citi krît ìîbonî. tâpçc, ka - nu ej nu sazini, kâpçc.
bet kâ ir radies ðis raudâðanas process? ðî sejas viebðanâs un asaru tecçðana? kâds tam sakars ar cilvçka evolûciju un iegûtiem uzvedîbas modeïiem?
lûk, nesaprotu. kâc varbût zina?
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
29.04.2006 18:23
Tas nu gan ir labs jautâjums , besk:) Drîkst, es nozagðu to un uzdoðu to vienâ nelatviskâ forumâ?
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
29.04.2006 18:28
drîkst :)
taèu pastâsti mums pçc tam, ko tur uzzinâji :)
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
29.04.2006 18:32
Labi, besk:)
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
29.04.2006 19:49
I think crying is a function of our brain that we use for releasing emotions. I don't know how people could survive without accessing that function.

I think crying and laughing are maybe from the same place in our brain....

very interesting question...

love alley~~*
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
29.04.2006 19:53
a nav taa, ka konkreta emocija dod signalu smadzenem sakt raudat, nu tapat kaa smieties.
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
29.04.2006 21:09
Emocijas uzkrajas. Emocijas iedalaas 10 pamatemocijaas. Un kaa nu kuram taas izpauzhas. Citreiz tachu cilveki arii no laimes raud :)
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
29.04.2006 22:12
Tak ar hormoniem arî tas ir saistîts...

Ir, piem., sievietçm raudulîgi periodi, ir neraudulîgi :)
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
29.04.2006 22:14
Tad tikai vçl jânoskaidro, kuri hormoni vainîgi.
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 02:20
Veel man ieteica palasiit sheit (var paariet arii uz krievu valodu)


Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 09:15
bet paðreizçjâs atbildes ir visas par emocionalo pusi.
nu apmeram tapat ka uz jautajumu "kapec masina brauc" var atbildet "tapec, ka cilveks grib kaut kur noklut" un var atbildet ari "tapec, ka vinai ir iekszemes dzinejs" un ari tapec, ka ir uzpildita degviela vai galu gala tapec, ka ir pierasts ta parvietoties un lai masinas ipasnieks izraadiitos :)

jûs sakât - emociju izlâdçðanai. vai raudâðanas laikâ ar tâm emocijâm kaut kas notiek, viòas ir izlâdçtas un citâdâkas?

bet - ja drikst vel mulkigi pavaicat - kapec emociju izladesanai vajadziga tiesi sada reakcija? kapec cilvekam izradot emocijas sak raustities luupas un nevis piem peedas vai starpribu muskuli? kâpçc galu galâ pa acîm jâtek ðíidrumam emociju izlâdçðanas nolûkâ? to nepasaka arî zemenes ieteiktais links :)
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 09:23
Veel bija interesanta piebilde

Btw the regions in the body responding to the different emotions as described in this article seems to be on the same place as the chakra involved. Is that an coincidence....

Love, Johan

Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 09:25
And according to Dr. William Frey, a biochemist and director of the Dry Eye and Tear Research Center in Minneapolis, Minn., one reason people might feel better after crying could be because they are "removing, in their tears, chemicals that build up during emotional stress." Frey’s research indicates that tears, along with other bodily secretions like perspiration, rid the body of various toxins and wastes.

Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 09:35
ok, man liekas, tie stâsti par èakrâm droði vien tâ arî ir izveidoti - no stâstiem par sajûtâm konkrçtâs íermeòa daïâs konkrçtu emociju sakarâ.

un par to arî jau biju dzirdçjusi, lîdz pat vispârinâjumam, ka sievietes dzîvo ilgâk par vîºieðiem tâpçc, ka bieþâk raud, un izraud visâdus mçslus ârâ.
bet kâpçc raustâs seja? kâpçc tek asaras emociju brîdî? tas, ka asarâs nav tîrs ûdens, bet gan vçl kaut kas, man liekas diezgan loìiski, jo cilvçka íermenis jau nav nekâds destilçðanas aparâts.
kâ varçja rasties cilvçkam ðâda rîcîba? tâ mûsu sugâ izplatîjusies novirze, jeb tas varçtu kâdreiz bût pielâgojum evolûcijâ?
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 09:36
besk, varbuut acis ir taa vieta, pa kurieni uzkraajushaas emocijas ar slapjumu var dabuut laukaa? Tu tachu nebriinies, kaapeec ej uz tualeti?

Chakras reaali eksistee, tie nav nekaadi izdomaati staasti. Varbuut, lai atrastu atbildi uz savu jautaajumu, tev biku jaapieveershas to izpratnei?:-)))

Ziòojums rediìçts (30-04-2006 09:40)
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 09:37
arî feini, biku paanalizçta arî sîko auroðana.
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 09:56
str - es pilnigi nebrinos, kapec eju uz tualeti. zinu, ka darbojas gremosanas sistema utt. :) pec raudasanas nav nekadas regularas nepieciesamibas. var neraudat gadiem ilgi. un nav nekads taisnais zars no niereem uz aciim:)

paldies noela par linku, tagad es sapratu diezgan daudz no ta, ko gribeju
mazi berni raud, jo tas ir vienigais veids, ka vini prot apkartejiem zinot par visadam neertibam. bernam pieaugot, raudasanas iemeslu klust daudzak utt
nu tad iznak, ka pieaudzis cilveks, kad raud aiz bedam, nonak tada pat stavokli ka mazs zidainis. tas man liekas saprotami, jo musu berniba visu laiku esot kopa ar mums.
ja, un raud tikai cilveks. citas sugas nee.
paliek jautajums - kads sakars emocijam ar acu skidrumu
un - kapec dazi cilveki tad, kad nedabuu kaaroto, raud, citi aardaas, bet citi - sejai neraustoties pazino par savam pretenzijam un aizstav sevi.
raudatajs ir bezpalidzigs. dazi cilveki beedaas klust bezpalidzigi, citi nee, un vini aizstav sevi aktiivi.
vai tam ari kads sakars ar bernibu?
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 10:42
besk, es paskatiijos internetaa ir ljoti daudz par raudaashanu. Ja pamekleesi, noteikti atradiisi visu sev intereseejosho.
Raudaashana ir stresa samazinaashanas liidzeklis. Tas, kaa dazjaadi cilveeki reagjee, iespeejams, atkariigs no taa, cik katrs ir noturiigs pret stresu. To buus ietekmeejusi gan iedzimtiiba, gan pieredze, apkarteejo attieksme.

Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 10:49
Te ir interesanta saruna


Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 11:01
Haa, besk, es esmu aizraavusies ar lasiishanu par raudaashanu:)

many persons lose the ability to cry emotional tears because of social conditioning. When children (particularly boys) are told crying is childish, or when others react negatively to our tears as we grow older, we try to hold back our tears. However, it is difficult to feel very sad or hurt without crying, and we soon learn that it is easier not to cry if we do not allow ourselves to feel strongly in the first place. If we suppress the emotions that cause our tears, we avoid the feelings of embarrassment or loss of control or vulnerability that can accompany a weeping outburst. As I mentioned earlier, individuals who learn to hide their emotions from others may eventually hide them so well that they no longer know what or how they feel. (Obviously, there are some who seem to do well without crying and do not want to change.) For others, perhaps the only way to reverse the problem and regain the ability to express emotions is to work with a psychologist or other health professional who will help them to experience, own, and express their feelings. When we reclaim emotional expression, begin to know ourselves better, and thus become more fully human, we may also be able to once again utilize one of the few physiological functions that separates humans from other animals - emotional weeping.

Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 11:20
Inside the Crying Brain

Despite the importance of crying as a powerful human emotional expression, there have been few experimental or clinical studies of its basis in our brain and nervous system. At this point, we know far more about the low-level neural control of shedding tears than about the upper brain structures involved with the emotional aspects. The figure on the previous page shows that both emotional and reflex production of tears are brought about by activation of the pair of facial nerves, which in turn have their neuron cell bodies within the brain stem, in the pons and medulla. It is the brain stem that controls our most basic physiological functions—heartbeat, respiration, blood pressure, and so on—and, in terms of evolution, that is the brain’s oldest part.


Parts of the nervous system involved in lacrimal activation

Some branches of the facial nerve handle sensory input (for example, pain sensors in the eyelids); others have a somatic motor function (activating the muscles of the face that contract during crying); and still others an autonomic nervous function. The two main divisions of the autonomic nervous system, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems, are responsible for visceral expression of emotional responses. A study monitoring the psychophysiological reactions of subjects exposed to a sad motion picture revealed how this happens. As subjects began to cry, their respiratory muscles were activated to fill and expel air from the lungs, and movements of the lips, mouth, tongue, larynx, and vocal cords produced crying’s typical vocalization. Sobbing requires a convulsive inhaling of air, with spasms of many of these muscles.

Other parts of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems account for our red face (by dilation of tiny skin arteries), sweating, increase in blood pressure and heart rate, secretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline, and activation of the adrenal glands through stimulation of the hypophysis by the brain. This is remarkably similar to the general defense reaction that we see in response to stress, but a puzzling question is whether these autonomic and hormonal changes occur as a direct reaction or indirectly, as a result of increased somatic activity

Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 11:51
cilveeki raud taapeec, ka vinniem sevis ir ZZEEL!!
tas ir vieniigais iemesls kaapeec cilveex raud. vienalga vai taas ir preika, liidzjuutiibas, vai beedu asaras.
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 12:36
mjaaa, nu mani jautajumi ir gandriz vai atbildeti, paldies, strawberry:)

cilveki atskiras pec rauduliguma dazadas situacijaas.
tas tatad varetu but skaidrojams ar to, ka dazi ir iemacijusies nomaakt emocijas, bet citi nee. dazi ir cilvecigaki, citi nee.
tomer vel neliels precizejoss jautajums.
piem., daziem ir ipasiba sakt raudat tad, ja uz viniem kliedz.
(nee, nav mani neviens svaigi nokliedzis, es tikai piemeru minu)
tatad apkliegtajam cilvekam visi tie neironi utt. sasledzas, vins nekontrolejami raustaas utt un pinksk vel ilgi
cits viena mieraa uzblauj pretii, izklasta savas pretenzijas un ciinaas par sevi.
tatad pirmais ir spiests padoties, sevi aizstavet nespej, otrs spej cinities par sevi. es domaju, ne vienmer var teikt, ka tas otrasi ir sevi necilvecigi apspiedis.
kapec sie 2 cilveki ta atskiras? iedzimtiba? pieredze?
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 12:43
man liekas, es jau saku saprast atbildi uz savu pedejo jautajumu. saja gadijumaa atslega ir nevis asaru tecesanaa, bet tajaa, ka pirmais atzina otra cilveka parsvaru, jo pats sevi uzskatija par nieciibu, bet otram pietika pasparliecibas :) ka jus domajat, vai ta varetu but?
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 13:22
Besk, man liekas, ka to nosaka cilveeka emocionaalais staavoklis vai nu tai briidii vai vispaar. Es tieshaam nepaziistu taadus, kas raud vienmeer, vai ciinaas, uzvar un nejuutas nekad aizskarts. Varbuut taapat kaa ir augstaaks un zemaaks saapju slieksnis, ir cilveeki, kas ir juutiigaaki un mazaak juutiigi? Pashlaik tu apraksti divas versijas- vai nu upuris vai tiraans. Tev labi izdodas, vai vari aprakstiit veel kaadu, atshkjiriigu no shiem abiem variantiem?

Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 13:43
strawberry, paldies, ka saprati :)
es vispar parstavu to rauduliigo tipu, ko aprakstiju. bet taa izvest mani var tikai videeji reizi 2 gados, ta ka varbut tomer esmu necilvecigi apspiedusies :)
citus tipus nevaru aprakstit, jo nazinu, kas viniem ir ieksaa.
bet man gribetos zinat, kas viniem ir tads, kaa man nav :)
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 13:52
Nu ja, bet to, kas vinjiem iekshaa tu taapat uzzinot dabuut nevari. Tev jaaatrod savs ieksheejais liidzsvars un harmonija.

Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 14:16
proziit :)
Re: kapec cilveki raud?
30.04.2006 14:19

Re: kapec cilveki raud?
02.05.2006 17:27
Caur acîm tek asaras tâpçc, lai parâdîtu apkârtçjiem savas emocijas, jo sejâ taèu skatâs galvenokârt.

(mana versija)

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