tas pats dibens

Aizsāka poga 

tas pats dibens
07.08.2006 09:42
Pâris dienas nebija izgâjis vçders.Tad kâ nâca cietâ kaka,tâ ar mokâm dabûju ârâ.:)Uh,bet galvenais,ka saplîsa mana dupða atverîte.Tur tagad ir puðumi -sûrst un sâp,it seviðíi kad kakâju.Kâ âtrâk tos sadziedçt???Kâdu smçri lietot???Palîdziet ,lûdzu.
Re: tas pats dibens
07.08.2006 10:26
Pirmkârt, higiçna. Centies apmazgâties pçc katras vçdera izejas ar maigu higiçnas lîdzekli,vislabâk tâdu, kas piemçrots zîdaiòa âdas kopðanai.Pçc tam vari atveri ieziest ar kâdu mîkstinoðu ziedi,bet ne no parfimçrijas un kosmçtikas veikala. Iesaku klinìerîðu ziedi,kas ir pieejama aptiekâ un nav dârga. Centies vairâk arî sekot savai vçdera darbîbai,nepieïaujot aizcietçjumu veidoðanos. Lai veicas!
cik reizes diena, lietojot normalu uzturu, vajadzçtu vederam iziet?
Sintomicîna ziede, to jau pat bçrniem izmanto. Ïoti labi dziedç un arî mîkstina.
Re: tas pats dibens
07.08.2006 11:30
Obligati 1 rezi dienâ vederam jâiziet. Var bût 2 reizes.
Re: tas pats dibens
07.08.2006 13:40

ja kaut ko apgalvo tad vispirms esi parliecinâta par to, ka tas ir taisnîba.
Normâla vçdera izeja ir no 3x dienâ lîdz 3x nedçïâ, ir vçl daudz citu kritçriju...

Ja gribi kaut ko apgalvot vispirms palasi kas ir aizcietçjumi un kas nav (aizcietçjuma definîcijas vien ir kâdas 5 vismaz).

To POGA, jâsâk ar vçdera mîlstinâðanu (var palietot DUPHALAC - bez receptes),
palîdzes sçdvanniòas un kâda nomierinoða ziende, kaut vai bepantçns.

Ja tas nelîdz - ðíiet svaicina proktologs
Re: tas pats dibens
07.08.2006 18:04
Normaali tomeer ir , ka veeders iziet 1x dienaa.
Bet var buut varianti. Galvenais lai nekaiteetu veseliibai un neradiitu diskomfortu.
Shajaa gadiijumaa loti jaseko veedera izejai. Jaaseko lai veedera izeja buutu miiksta.Pluumes,burkaani,bietes ,kefiirs.aplveida masaazas saules virzienaa. No riita tukshaa duushaa glaaze uudens istabas t.
Re: tas pats dibens
07.08.2006 19:26
Cien. mazdekterim,

"Constipation" definîcijas angïu valodâ (neatradu nevienu kur ir runa par to ka vçdera izejai jâbût 1x dienâ), vairâk ir runa par cietas konsistences fçcçm un nepilnîgu defekâciju:

Constipation is passage of small amounts of hard, dry bowel movements, usually fewer than three times a week. People who are constipated may find it difficult and painful to have a bowel movement. Other symptoms of constipation include feeling bloated, uncomfortable, and sluggish.

A condition in which bowel movements happen less frequently than is normal for the particular individual, or the stool is small, hard, and difficult or painful to pass.

The infrequent or difficult passage of hard, dry stools.

Bowel movements are infrequent or incomplete.

A condition in which bowel movements are infrequent, hard and dry, and elimination of feces is difficult and infrequent.

A condition in which the movement of food through the digestive system is longer than normal; often results in hard, dry stool.

Having abnormally infrequent bowel movements or hard stools.

rare or difficult stool evacuation.

infrequent or abnormally delayed movement of the bowels. The feces is often dry and hardened

Infrequency or difficulty in the passage of bowel motions.

reduced or painful bowel movements.

Constipation is a condition in which too much water is absorbed from the large intestine back into the bloodstream, leaving the faeces dry, hard and difficult to expel. Caused by a lack of fibre in the diet (fibre holds water, preventing the faeces becoming too hard).

Condition where it becomes difficult to empty faeces from the bowel.

when faeces can't pass often enough. Constipation may be caused by wrong diet, lack of exercise or by serious diseases of the intestine.

infrequent or difficult voiding of the bowels

infrequent passage of hard stools.

a condition in which stool becomes hard and dry.

The inability to evacuate stool regularly.

A condition in which the contents of the large intestines (bowels) are discharged at long intervals or with difficulty.

Constipation results from the patient's need for control. The intestine is lined extensively with muscle. Neuromuscular signals to the colon determine whether to let waste travel slowly or quickly. The more relaxed a patient is, the less constipation there is. This especially applies to young children and infants, who are constantly faced with a feeling of being unable to control their bodies, lives or environment. ...

a common condition causing abdominal pain and much discomfort.

irregular and infrequent or difficult evacuation of the bowels; can be a symptom of intestinal obstruction or diverticulitis
stultification: the act of making something futile and useless (as by routine)

Constipation is a condition of the digestive system where a person (or other animal) experiences difficulty in eliminating feces. Most doctors do not consider a person constipated unless they are experiencing difficulty passing hard, dry stool, and there has been a decrease in the number of bowel movements from the amount that's normal for the person. A person can present with a decrease in bowel movements, along with signs of diarrhea and still be considered constipated. ...
Re: tas pats dibens
07.08.2006 20:26
tagad ludzu latviski. ehh mes slinkie :)
Re: tas pats dibens
08.08.2006 22:42
ziede "Bepanthen Plus" sadziedç visu un âtri.
Re: tas pats dibens
08.08.2006 22:49

Tik aatri nevajag! Veel dibens aizaugs.
Re: tas pats dibens
09.08.2006 21:03
ku! humoriòð Tev labs...

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